Chapter 1

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"It's warm again today.." A sigh escaped the elf.  Her golden hair flowed past her waist as she leaned over the balcony. "Princess, you mustn't lean so far over or else you'll fall!" She turned her head slightly towards the voice, only to find it belonged to yet another suitor lined up by her father. "Name?" The princess asked in a harsh tone. "Charles Neverferd." The man answered, bowing his head slightly. "Charles, Do me a favor," The Princess began. "Yes, anything for you, your highness!" Charles said, shooting his head up in high hopes. "Leave!" The Princess shouted, lifting her hand and using the wind to push him out the door.
    Seconds later, the king rushed in. "Rosaniya Lee Ophilia!" He shouted "Yes father?" The princess asked calmly. "Why in the hell is the Neverferd Duke being thrown out of the castle?"He asked, infuriated with the princess. "Whatever do you mean father?" The Princess replied, giving her father a sly smirk. "Rosaniya! This is no time to play around! God, I wish I had a son.." The king said angrily. "Likewise father." The princess said before moving away from the balcony and towards her dressing room. "Don't you dare walk away from me Rosaniya! Come back here! I am your father! You have to listen to me!" The king's screams were slowly drowned out by the sound of a door slamming closed.
Sliding down the door, the princess takes a deep breath. "I'm tired of this.. He never asks what I want.." The princess breathed out. "Can't he just try? It's not that hard..." The princess sighed as she stood up. Walking over towards her clothes, the princess takes out a brown leather tunic and a pair of baggy pants. They were the most ladylike clothes but they'd hide her figure well. Slipping on the clothes, the princess looks at her reflection in a mirror. After a moment, the princess moves over to grab a cloak. Pulling the cloak over her shoulders, the princess pulls up her hood. Brushing her hair past her ears and into the hood, she slowly opens the door to her dressing room.
Glancing around her sitting area, she makes her way towards the balcony once more. The princess slowly takes in a breath before jumping down the balcony and out the house. Falling, the princess starts fluttering her wings and slowly glides down onto the land below.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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