Selfless Struggles - Jily

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There is a saying in the world that says that the true character of castles, mansions and other grand architecture always reveal themselves at night.

And Lily absolutely agreed.

While Hogwarts was absolutely stunning by day, by night it was even more magical. The gothic-style halls and corridors were spotted with shadows and alight with flickering, orange candles.

The stars of the roof in the great hall glinted like diamond dust, sprinkled across a sky only a few tones darker than the deep navy hues of Ravenclaw.

Whenever she was walking back to her dormitory after a patrol, she always took the long route so she could gaze up at the stars. Even though she knew they were a simple projection, and she had seen them every night for seven years, they never failed to give her a giddy rush of wonder whenever she set eyes upon them.

She especially liked to see them after patrols, because it was just the thing that lifted her up and gave her enough energy to return to her dormitory.

And she only had a few staircases left.

Just a few more steps until she was wrapped in the tantalising warmth of her bed sheets and covers, her back comforted by the soft mattress. And then, finally, she could enjoy her slumber, which would hopefully be long and uninterrupted by a drunk James bustling into their shared common room below.

She frowned at the thought.

She hadn't been aware of any parties that night, so she was quite sure she was in the clear, but you could never be quite certain with James and his Marauders. They had a habit of springing up complex and impulsive party ideas.

Finally, she spotted her door at the end of the corridor.

Whispering the password allowed, Lily clambered into the portrait hole once it swung open for her.

All was dark and quiet in their small common room.

Feeling her way around, Lily headed for the left side of the room, aiming for her staircase to her dormitory and trying to give a wide berth of large furniture. She tried not to think of what going up the wrong staircase might lead to, as the thought made her blush.

Her feet touched the flat, carpeted surface of the first step. She slowly made her way up, creeping one step at a time, careful not to be too loud, as James had been working very hard and late recently, and the poor boy deserved some sleep.

Opening her door, Lily switched on the light, kicked off her shoes into the corner and began the motion of removing her coat, when she noticed something.

Or rather, someone.

James potter lay crumpled on her bed, glasses removed, hair unruly, his grin wider than what seemed possible for human mouths to achieve.

"By all means, continue," he said with a smirk.

Lily blushed and threw her coat at his face to cover that.

"Is there a reason you're in my bed?" She questioned, frowning down at him.

"I... have a bit of a problem," he confessed, all humour gone.

Still, Lily was tired and this was her room, so she decided to tease him a little.

"What, can't get yourself to bed, Potter? Want me to tuck you in and sing a lullaby?" 

"I'll be fine for tonight, although I must ask next time," He laughed, before visibly wincing and beginning to cough lightly. 

And that was when Lily noticed.

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