chapter 4

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6 months pregnant for Mal

With Mal

Luke- Mal I don't think you should be here your whole pregnancy

Mal- Well where else would I go?...Ben don't love me if i go back everyone will hate me even one likes me

Luke- Okay well promise if he comes looking for you you have to go with him...Ben loves you and if it's true  love then he will come looking for the way where is Harley?

Mal- Sh-she is still on the isal...I haven't told Ben...I'm scared to...what if he don't like me and-

Luke- MAL....calm down trust me...Ben loves you...and if he don't he will pay...hold up there is someone at the door

Luke went to the door. It was Ben, and Evie. Luke bowed to Ben.

Ben- Good afternoon...Have you seen Lady Mal?

Luke- actually yes...Come on in

Ben and Evie went in and Luke took them to the nursery. They saw Mal putting stuff up for the baby.

Ben- M-Mal?!?!?

Mal- Ben don't love me...Luke why would you let them in?

Luke- I told you if they come looking for you you have to go with them.

Evie- M...please come home...can y'all give us a minute?

Luke and Ben left

Evie- Mal...why did you run away?

Mal- I had to E...they don't like me.

Evie- Yes they do...they all have been worried sick.

Mal- I'm not coming back... I haven't even told Ben about Harley.

Evie- Mal...there has been enough secrets between you and Ben.

Mal- You know what help me pack...I'll make everyone happy.

Eve- M are you sure?

Mal- Yes Evie...and I'm telling Ben about Harley.

Evie- OMG YAY...let me go get Ben.

Evie got Ben and they started to pack the stuff.

They got into the limo and Mal stopped.

Ben- Mal what's wrong

Mal- nothing...the baby just's fine but i have something to tell you.

Ben- anything

Mal- You are not gonna like this but I have a child on the isal.

Ben- we should get them

Mal- Really?

Ben- anything for my queen

Mal- OMG thanks Ben...

Evie- where is she?

Mal- she is with Dr. F

Ben- whats her name?

Mal- Harley

they pulled up at Dr. F's and Mal went in

Mal- Hey Dr. F

Dr. F- hey's been so are you?

Mal- I'm okay how is Harley?

Dr. F- She has been good...she was gonna get adopted yesterday...but you know how I have my intentions...she is taking a nap still

Ben- Well we are here to take her home with us...she needs a family

Mal- Ben...calm down...we will get her.

Uma walked out of a room

Uma- Hey Mal how have you been?

Mal- Okay...where is Harley?

Uma lead Mal to Harley.

Mal- OMG...she looks like her dad.

Uma- You said you didn't know who her dad was.

Mal- yeah because I didn't want y'all to do anything.

Uma- Well she should be waking up any minute.

Mal- Okay

Uma- question...Is her dad Harry Hook?

Mal- Yes.

Uma- He tried to adopt her yesterday.

Mal- I'm glad I came when I did

Uma- yeah...look who is up

Mal- Harley!


Uma- Harley...this is your mom... tell her how old you are not

Harley- Im...four!

Harley held up four fingers.

Uma- Come on Harley...come meet King Ben and Evie.

Mal picked Harley up and carried her out.

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