la story 3 : Injured

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Blood rushed to his ears, drowning out the sound of clashing metal. The familiar, dreaded metallic tang in the air overtook his nose. He saw another soldier distract his attacker, a pro-war activist from the Tenryou Commission. Gorou slumped against the wall, his wounds getting the better of his strength. Two arrows had lodged themselves firmly into his thigh. Blood spilled heavily from a slash across his torso and another across his stomach. The arm he normally held his bow with was at an unnatural angle. He felt his mind drift from the battlefield, barely keeping conscious with the blood loss.

What would happen, if he died right now? He hadn't yet had a chance to really bond with their newest member of the Lupical as he had gotten word to return to Watatsumi Island because of more activists causing trouble. She was sweet however, so perhaps she might miss him a little bit. Razor was another story. Gorou remembered the day they found Razor. Him, Tighnari, and Cyno had found him at the edge of Wolvendom, fending off Fatui to the best of his ability but was slowly being overtaken. After that, they'd grown close, Razor began referring to them as his lupical. Gorou hated to think how Razor would feel, learning of his death. Tighnari...Cyno...he didn't want to think of what might happen to them with his death. He'd leave an empty space in the bed for three, an empty space in their hearts where he should be. He'd leave an empty chair at a table for now a family of five, and the future they had planned would be down by one.


Was someone calling him? Was the fighting over?

He didn't have time for answers before he lost consciousness completely.


Gorou blinked quickly, adjusting to the light shining in his eyes. His blurry vision cleared up in time for mint green hair to enter his vision.

"Mr. Gorou! You're awake!"


He attempted to get up only for gentle hands to gently push him back down.

"P-please don't get up, Mr. Gorou. Your torso injuries are still just barely healed over, you might reopen them."

"How long has it been?"

"Three days. The traveller brought us all here the minute word arrived about the attack."


"Mr. Tighnari, Mr. Cyno, and Razor. We all came."

Gorou nodded, taking in the room and the young woman in front of him.

"Did I worry you? I'm sorry," Gorou said.

"N-no need to apologize! Of course I was worried. We haven't known each other long but I do care about you."

"Thank you, Sucrose..."

Sucrose smiled.

"Do you need anything? I can find a field doctor to help me prop you up if you want any food or something to drink."

"If you wouldn't mind it, I'm quite thirsty...?"

"Right away, Mr. Gorou!"

Sucrose left the room and returned with a doctor, who shared joy at seeing the general awake before helping prop Gorou up in a way that wouldn't aggravate his wounds. It was when the doctor had finished checking him over and retrieved food for him that he was finally able to talk with Sucrose again.

"Where are the others, if they all came here with you?"

"Oh! Uhm," she cleared her throat nervously, "they were upset to hear that some of your attackers got away so I volunteered to stay here in case you woke up while they went to track them down."

Worry bubbled in him at the news. After all, the men who escaped was able to take down his entire platoon, and that was more than just three or four people.

"Are they okay? Have you heard from them?"

Sucrose nodded.

"They had just finished up a little before you woke up. They'll be back soon. The traveller couldn't take them so they're taking the long way. The traveller was taking what was uh- left of the people to a woman named Kujou Sara."

As if summoned, Tighnari's voice was heard coming closer, berating Cyno for a terrible joke - but Gorou noticed something in his voice, like he wasn't putting his full attention behind the berating like he usually would. And where there would be the loud cackles of Cyno accompanying Tighnari's words, it was only somewhat there, a quiet huff of laughter. Razor walked in first, eyes widening at the sight of Gorou sitting up and awake. He sprinted the last few feet to the bed, kneeling down and pressing his head to Gorou's lap and hugging his waist to avoid disrupting the drink in Gorou's uninjured hand. Tighnari and Cyno both went silent and quickening footsteps sounded in the hall before both were pushing through the door at the same time. Sucrose was quick to take the drink from Gorou's hand and he shot her a thankful look before his sight was enveloped by his partners going on either side of the hospital cot and their arms wrapping around his torso gently with their heads nuzzling into the sides of his neck.

No words were spoken and it wasn't long that Gorou felt one of Tighnari's arms unwrap and make a few motions before another pair of arms joined the pile, Tighnari's free arm now wrapping around Sucrose.

He lived. Everyone was okay. His Lupical was here with him.

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