Chapter 5: All for you, baby

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You drove to the restaurant, not allowing Bucky to drive you. You needed an escape if things got bad. It's not like you didn't trust Bucky, he's proved to you that he's a nice person...but unfortunately you have to take safety precautions.

Once you walked in, you realized it was completely empty.

"Sorry, we're closed." The hostess said with a sarcastic smile.

"Oh, I guess I've got the wrong place." You said before turning in your heel. Before you got out the door you heard someone shout your name.

"Y/n!" The voice sounded familiar and you turned around to see Bucky sitting at a far back booth.

He got up and ran to you, engulfing you in a big hug. You hugged him back, loving the feeling of being in his strong arms.

Once the two of you pulled away you observed the surroundings.

"Did you...?" You started.

"Rent out the whole restaurant? Yeah." Bucky replied, making you chuckle.

"This is...amazing! And so romantic! I've never had anyone do this for me!" You gasped.

"I'm glad you like it, now come on, let's go sit at the bar and order a few rounds."

He grabbed your hand and took you to the bar. The two of you sat down and ordered a couple drinks. This time you actually got alcohol since you trusted this place and the guy who you're with.

"So, where'd you grow up? What city?" He asked.

"San Francisco, actually. Then I visited LA, and fell in love with the city." You explained.

"Same here, though Brooklyn will always have a place in my heart. It's where my Ma lives, actually."

"Yeah, my mom and dad still live in San Francisco. But they visit whenever they can. My mom insisted she drive me to the airport and drop me off."

"Yeah, my mom is the same. Mothers, right?" And you both laughed.

There was a moment of silence, just looking at each other. You noticed he's more dressed up than he usually is.

A black long sleeved tight fitting sweater, black skinny jeans and black Nike sneakers.

However he still had his chain on, but it's not like you were complaining it looks hot as fuck.

Bucky scooched the barstool closer to you, so close that you could feel his breath fanning down your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. You heart felt like it was going to explode, your breathing hitched.

So many things going on at once with your body, it was insane. It's not like you haven't experienced something like this before this extent? Even when the guy barely touched you? Never.

Bucky cupped your face with his left hand and closed the distance between the two of you.

You melted into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck while his went around your waist.

The two of you pulled away only when the need for air was too great.

"Wow," you said, breathless.

"Wow indeed." Bucky responded, licking his lips. That made you clench your thighs.

The rest of the date went really well, and the two of you kissed before parting ways.

You've become very smitten with the rockstar.

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