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No one pov.
After the meeting with Melisandre they say good bye to them because they will go to Volantis to train their magics and power to their potential. Their the twins will travel to Volantis is safe and their dragons grow faster than their mother and father's dragon. They will grow as belerion the black dread in a young age, as their rider will grow.

Amarys pov.
Me and my twin land to Volantis and meet other red priestess and preist to help us controlled this magic of ours. "Hey Amarys, are you all right?" Anathor asked. "Yes, I am but this place is beautiful and the people here are lively." I said. Then the other preistess named Kinvara said. " Yes, our land filled with happiness here and some will try to invade us but our defences are hard to break, even your mother can't break it either instead we decide to have peace to one another." "So it's very peaceful here anyone wants live here in peace." I said. As we talk we didn't know that we arrive now in the temple were we would train and practice our magic. " Here we are, welcome my prince and princess to the Temple of the Red god." Kinvara said. So we go inside and we mesmerize in the temple's design and pictures in it. This is oir decesion to practice our magic to save and prevent the magic itself to control us to harm other people. "Here is the tools that you two will use to practice your power, the tools will choose not you. Feel what is your true weapon." Kinvara said. I feel something in the moon like staff that can be turn into a sythe and sword. So I decide to walk to it but I hear stop! But I didn't listen. After that, I hold them and they glow brightly. "Princess, that weapon and magical staff or sythe has no owner since the glory to doom of Valyria." Kinvara said.

Anathor pov.
My sister recieve a very powerful sword and staff for her practice, while me I still finding my weapon. Until I feel a tug to a sun like sword and staff too also Aunt Melisandre and Kinvara stop me too but I also didn't listen to them they glow as they accepted me too as their master. "My prince they are the twin weapons of princess' weapon. They are called sun staff and sword, while the princess' is called moon staff and sword. You can named if want." Melisandre said. "Hmmm, I will named the sword blaze and the staff sun ray." I said and they glow as if they accpted their names. "Mine is moondust in sword and crescent in staff or scythe." Amarys said and they glow too as they accepted their names. Now we can train ourselves in magic and swords. Me and my twin sister started our training the day after we recieve our weapons, me is with the Priest named Johan (oc name) and my sister is with aunt Melisandre and to our sword training it's sword sheild named Wendell(oc name). Our trainings are doing well until,....... "I'm so sorry my prince to disturbed your training but there is a raven for you and the princess." The servant said. "Ok, can you call on my sister to our chamber I want to know the letter together with her." I said. "As you wish." She said. After my training and my sister too we go to our chamber to clean our body because of the sweats in us. As I return to our I saw my sister, she is growing more beautiful everyday and feirce too. She live for her idol Visenya Targaryen the sister-wife of Aegon the conqueror. "Hey brother, so where's the letters that the raven send to us? " she asked. "In my table we can read them after we take a bath." I said. We clean ourselves and we got on our clean clothes, and then we read the letter. "Looks like our mother is pregnant again." "Yes maybe Rheanys this time." We wish for another girl to spoil with and teach her how weild a sword and not be frail woman, and if it's a boy he too can learn weild a sword to protect our family and to defend the realm.

No one pov.
As the years pass, the twins grow more and more stronger and controlled power of their magics. Amarys learn how control snow, ice, change the weather turning into cold and winter land and the moon itself, while Anathor learn to control fire, earth, also change weather turning summer and desert land and sun itself. The twins are inseperable to each other when Amarys injure herself because of intense training in magic and sword, Anathor help her and heal her injuries like nothing no scars left of the injury and vice versa. They grow beautiful and handsome, Anathor named as a blaze prince because his smile and posture is like the sun himself but of course he control the sun itself, and Amarys as a silver night princess because of her skin is like snow and her hair is like the moonlight itself but of course she too control the moon itself. "It's been 10 years that two came to us and train with us to control your magics, now it's time you go home and protect them well to an unknown disaster will come to us." Kinvara said. "We still help you in the time of needs." Aunt melisandre said. "And we will vist to all of here at Volantis if there is time." Amarys said and Anathor agreed. By time they depart they imagined how their dragons will be in their arrival.