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Chapter 161 _ Rafflesia, here's your chance

The renovation of the house was left to Ye Xingchen, and Yun Che didn't bother to ask about it. After Meng Xu recovered, he began to lead the team on missions in person. As Gu Mingxuan said, the newly added teams were indeed very strong. He had already accumulated quite a lot of popularity in the past few days. When Yun Che arrived at the Supernatural Association with his people, he happened to meet the female team named Bawanghua who was recruiting troops. Leng Yehan told him that those few teams in the past few days They are all absorbing individual supernatural beings, regardless of their supernatural powers, as long as they are willing to join, even if they drag their families along, they will accept them together. The only difference from the other three teams is that Overlord Flower only recruits female supernatural beings. You can bring family members, but those who join the team must be women.

Many supernatural teams joked that they were discriminating against men, and the group of women were not annoyed, and even joked with them, whether it was meat or vegetarian, they were not taboo, and sometimes even a group of old men I'm sorry.

" Sister Xinlan is recruiting again, aren't you going to go on a mission today?"

No, another captain of the supernatural team came up. Seeing his obsessive look, he knew that he must have bad intentions. Feng Xinlan, the captain of Bawanghua, stood up abruptly. A smile broke out on the pretty face: " Team Zeng wants to give us a ride again?"

That said, the captain surnamed Zeng stepped down immediately. In China, many men looked down on women. After the end of the world, everything is based on strength, and the status of women is even lowered to the dust. But this Zeng team But it's a bit embarrassing to complete the task with a group of women, isn't it embarrassing?

" Hehe... An interesting woman, what is her ability?"

Yun Che, who saw this scene as soon as he got out of the car, smiled casually, tilted his head and asked casually while holding a certain bastard who had shamelessly shrunk into a small milk dog.

" I don't know. We have n't cooperated with them before. Brother Che, do you want to recruit her? You can do that. Our peak is when the sun is rising and the yin is declining. That's why you all go to get involved and recruit more women. Preferably beauties, I guarantee you all will be straight."

Before the others, Zhou Zeyu published his tirade in a low voice. The accompanying Leng Yehan and the others who were said to be all involved in crimes were too lazy to even talk to him, and directly passed them into the supernatural association. She glanced at him sideways: " You think too much, and, my intuition is very accurate, believe me, even Haixuan is married to my family Da Xing, and it will be your turn next."

" Eh..."

After finishing speaking, Yun Che walked away, leaving Zhou Zeyu alone with a twitching mouth. Who wants to fuck? Who's going to fuck? He has long been determined to find an angel figure with a devil face, bah bah bah... No, it's a goddess with an angel face and a devil's figure. How can a tough man be as comfortable as a soft goddess?

" Captain Feng, that was the peak captain Yun Che just now, right? He looks like a weak chicken, are you sure he is really strong?"

They saw Bawanghua, and Bawanghua also noticed them, especially Yun Che who just showed up today. One of the women leaned over and whispered in Feng Xinlan's ear, with undisguised suspicion in her eyes.

" Shut up!"

Feng Xinlan turned around and scolded in a low voice: " How many times have I told you that now is the end of the world, physical fitness is of course important, but abilities are more important. If only one or two people say that Yun Che is strong, it may be a misinformation, but everyone said He is very strong, so it can't be a misrepresentation, and don't forget, he is a three-line supernatural power, the combat thunder system, the auxiliary air system, and the storage space system, which of these three superpowers? Isn't this what everyone wants? The chief asked us to approach and find ways to destroy their lofty status in the minds of supernatural beings, not for us to despise him."

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