Confession (Khun Chai, To Sir With Love)

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One day, Tian, with an extremely serious expression on his face, turned to Jiu and said:

- I have to confess something to you.

- What the matter? – Jiu asked softly.

- I... – Tian hesitated for a moment and lowered his gaze, as if he felt guilty. – Actually... I've been trying to say about it for a long time, but I didn't know how to confess. Well, you know... You're not my first one.

Jiu almost stumbled out of the blue.

- What do you mean by not your first one? – Jiu said in confusion, as if he had misheard and misunderstood something. – Tian, are you... with someone else before...?

- No, not in that sense, – Tian shook his head, hiding his eyes in order not to look at Jiu directly.

- Then I don't understand, – Jiu said in a slightly sharper tone, furrowing his brows, clearly starting to get angry. – Who is he? Who should I kill?

- No need to kill anyone, I can explain! – Tian waved his hands up. – One day, someone attacked me... I didn't have time to see his face, because... because... – Tian looked up guiltily at Jiu. – He put a handkerchief on my face, and then kissed me so that I would not scream...

Jiu's stone expression gradually changed to an embarrassed blush and a timid smile, this time it was his turn to lower his eyes guiltily.

- Why are you smiling? – Tian asked as he didn't understand. – Are you not jealous at all? Or...

He carefully looked at Jiu, feeling some kind of catch.

- Don't tell me that... – Tian said, deliberately drawing out his words.

- Tian, I'm sorry, – Jiu interrupted quickly, grabbing Tian's hands. – That was when I was working for master Ma...

- Did you really try to kill me? – Tian exclaimed in surprise.

Tian started to wriggle out of Jiu's grip, but Jiu wrapped his arms around Tian trying to calm him down, whispering the words of forgiveness in his ear and kissing Tian's temple in order to appease him.

- I didn't know that the one he ordered to murder was you, – Jiu tried to explain. – When I found it out, I did everything to save you. I couldn't let you get hurt...

- Did you cover your face because you were ashamed to admit it and show yourself? – Tian asked offended, already less briskly escaping from the embrace. – Or... you already wanted to kiss me then?

Jiu smiled shyly.

- At that moment, I didn't come up with another idea... But, probably, I was already fallen for you on a subconscious level.

- What smart words did you learn! In which of the books that I gave you, you did read this?

- Well, Tian, please don't be angry, – Jiu begged, changing his tone to a more playful and capricious one. – I was also very embarrassed in front of you and felt sorry for that attack. But for the fact that I kissed you... I'm not regret at all.

- Jiu, you such a lecher! – Tian stated.

Jiu kissed his temple again.

- Am I a lecher? – he asked. – Then will young master Tian explain to me how he got his hands on the forbidden book that he hides under the boards in the library?

- What are you talking about? – Tian asked with a slight frown. – Don't tell me you were spying on me...

- A Chinese picture book about the love of two men, – Jiu answered his question with a predatory smile. – Actually, I didn't do it on purpose. I just took old reports to the library that your father asked for, can you imagine if it wasn't me who noticed you, but he?

- Jiu, you're just unbearable! – Tian blushed with embarrassment and again tried to escape from his embrace, but Jiu was not going to let go just like that, but wanted to tease Tian more.

- Well, young master Tian, – he whispered in his ear, – when were you going to tell me about this? And which of those pictures would you like to repeat in practice?

- Jiu! – Tian blushed completely, accepting his own defeat.

- Tian, you're so cute when you're embarrassed, – Jiu continued to whisper, not taking his eyes off Tian, causing goosebumps all over his body. – I want to eat you right now.

Tian tried to hold back his face and still pretended to be pouting and not going to forgive Jiu so easily.

- And yet... – Jiu spoke again. – So, I was your only one man, right?

- If you already know that, why are you asking? – Tian muttered.

Jiu hugged him tighter, burying his face in Tian's hair, and let out a long breath.

- I think we should continue our conversation in the bedroom.

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