Chapter 36

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The Male Protagonist's Daughter Chapter 36

Sun Na returned home, exhausted, as if she had played mahjong for three days and three nights.

Song Xinhua sat on the sofa with a bitter look on his face.

The couple sat down and could talk freely and complain to each other in their own home. Sun Na saw that her daughter was not at home, so she rubbed her temples and said, "The more I live, the more I go back, and I still have to come today. If I say those words in front of a child of a few years old, I will definitely lose my life."

Song Xinhua did not know that his wife was assigned a task by his nephew.

He sighed, stroked his wife's hand, and comforted: "Thank you for your hard work." His eyes dimmed, "It's all because I have no ability, and now the whole family has to work in the company, Otherwise, why would you be yelled at by this kid Chaoyang?"

It's even if he was commanded by his elder brother, now the younger generation can ride on his head, which is really embarrassing.

But who told him to be incompetent?

"Don't talk about this, husband, there is something I want to tell you." Sun Na's face was serious, "Today I also dealt with that Luo Tianyuan, how can I say, I I don't think he's like the ordinary man Chaoyang said. I've occasionally accompanied you to dinner parties over the years, and I've seen some worldly events. Anyway, I think that Luo Tianyuan is very imposing. You don't know, although he didn't lose his temper, he The feeling it gives can I describe it to you, it has the momentum of our father when he was young."

The father Sun Na said was Song Xinhua's father, and the one who founded the Song family.

Papa Song was also a great figure in Ningcheng when he was young. Who wouldn't say he was amazing when he could start a factory from scratch in that era?

Sunna paused, she actually wanted to say that Luo Tian was far more energetic than Song's father when he was young, but thinking of her husband's admiration for his father, she swallowed it again .

Song Xinhua sneered: "What do you say, Chaoyang is also a thief, he checked it out, that Luo Tianyuan is really just an ordinary employee, maybe a graduate of a famous university, so you That's the illusion."

Sun Na hesitated: Really?

Is it because of her status as a college student that gives Luo Tianyuan a golden glow?

But she has also seen college students. Moreover, she felt that Song Wanqing was well-informed outside, and there was no one who was better-looking than Luo Tianyuan in the past two years, so why did she plunge into it?

"Go and pack my luggage for me, I'm going to the Shenzhen market tomorrow."

Sun Na's attention was immediately diverted, "Why are you going again just after coming back?"

Song Xinhua looked helpless: "Big brother ordered, my main task this year is to get through the relationship between smiling fashion, eh, it's very troublesome."

Sun Na thought about it for a while: "Otherwise, throw this matter out, you have been to Shenzhen several times this year. Big brother wants to say that you are useless, why don't you do it."

Song Xinhua also has this idea: "How can I throw it out?"

Sun Namei's eyes turned and she had an idea: "I'll tell Dr. Wang, let him put a plaster on you, and say that you have a broken bone and you need to rest at home, eldest brother can't always be broken. send you?"

Song Xinhua gave a meal, "That's ok, eldest brother has become more and more superstitious in the past two years, what kind of fortune is it to invite someone from the rivers and lakes, but people say that our Song family will have a disaster this year, and from this year onwards, it will be quickly Going downhill, he can't be in a hurry, but it's hard for our group of people to follow along."

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