Chapter 7

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*skip until December when the snow starting falling*
It's December, my favorite season, me and Tyler are doing well, but today was school so I have to get ready, I wish I can stay in bed forever but nope, I got up. Went into the shower and put in my favorite snow outfit
Your outfit ↯

I grab my bag and went into my car and drove to school, I parked my car and walked into school, everyone with their boyfriend or girlfriend, it make me sick but sometimes I wonder if that ever gonna be me and Tyler but whatever I got to my locker ...

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I grab my bag and went into my car and drove to school, I parked my car and walked into school, everyone with their boyfriend or girlfriend, it make me sick but sometimes I wonder if that ever gonna be me and Tyler but whatever
I got to my locker and saw Lucy and mason together, I find it cute cause that my best friend
Lucy-I see you in your favorite snow outfit
Y/n-and I see you with your boyfriend and hi mason
Mason-hello y/n
Lucy-where is Tyler?
Y/n-I don't know actually
Mason-I know where he is
We all heard a big noise coming outside, I looked at mason and Lucy and they were smiling, I don't have the best feeling about this, I walked outside with a big group behind me, and I saw him, wearing the same clothes as me, his noes was red. I walked down the stairs and look at him
Tyler-hello twin
Tyler-I'm so cold can we go inside
We went inside and went to class
*skip to the end of the day*
Tyler-wanna come over to my house
Tyler-are you free this weekend? My mom is having a winter party and she said to bring a plus one.. I was gonna bring Megan but we broke up so um wanna go with me?
*skip until we got to Tyler house*
We went into his room and got undressed and he gave me some comfy clothes and we both laid in bed
Tyler put his arm around me and I laid my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat
I look at him and he looked at me, we both started to lean in and then our lips touch, and it was the best thing ever, he pulled me on top of him and it turned into a full make out, then his mom came into his room
Tyler-mom get out
Monica-so this is the girl who you kept talking about, hi I'm Monica
Y/n-im y/n and Tyler you talk about Me..
Tyler-not in a bad way
Monica-why are you lying sweetie, you call her weird and a lame girl and how you are using her
Y/n-imma go
I got all of my stuff and got into my car and drive home
*Tyler pov*
Monica-oh sweetie im sor
Tyler-get out wait actually now I have to tell her you was talking about Megan, sometimes why can't you just stay out my business
I slammed the door in her face and laid in bed and think to my self, I lost her again
*end of Tyler pov*
Robert-should of stayed out of it
Monica-shut up, I feel like a bad parent
Robert-it's ok he our son just let him do his own things

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