Part 1

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Severus and James' relationship is far from perfect but Severus doesn't mind. They have their moments, lovely pockets of peace where they can forget everything.

But sometimes it's too much, so much Severus wants to give up. The yelling, the screaming. Wishing everything would just disappear so he didn't have to live like this anymore.

A cold barren home without much love. James works late nights and so does Severus so their house is pretty much empty all the time. Their fridge is full of takeout not groceries and neither cares enough to throw them away on time.

Their house rots from lack of use and Severus only feels it now.

It's 2am, Severus just got back from a 12 hour shift at the hospital and he sits with Chinese food splayed out in front of him. His pager buzzes every once in a while with updates but he only looks at the urgent ones.

He wants to throw the chopsticks across the room, tear his heart out of his chest and slam it down the drain.

His husband sleeps upstairs without a worry, satisfied by someone who is not him.

Severus went upstairs to tell James he got food, ask if he wants to eat with him maybe. James has always been a night owl so the fact the lights were off was a sign something was wrong.

And then he saw it. The second body sleeping next to his husband, curled into his side wearing his shirt.

Severus wanted to run out, leave to anywhere but home. Alas, he was tired. Four surgeries today, 6 new patients and 15 already existing ones.

He sits at his dining table and sighs. He feels nothing anymore.

Of course its him. James has always stared a little too long.

He takes in a deep breath and puts in his headphones, blasting songs to distract himself. He watched mind numbing videos as he eats, wondering if he should leave after or sleep in the guest room.

The idea of confronting them didn't occur to him, didn't even raise a spark.

It wasn't until he heard footsteps coming into the kitchen did he pull his head up and look back.

Regulus stands there, only a shirt that's not his covering his body. Boxers, a t-shirt and clear marks all over his body.

" Chinese?" He offers and Regulus' terrified look deepens into concern.

" Um. Severus?"

" Yeah?"

" Are you....are you okay?"

Regulus must think he's crazy. He stands up, walking over to Regulus and caging him into the wall. Severus' long hair falls over his face and his blood stained scrubs smell like iron.

" No i am not okay. But i am resting, i dont want to cause a scene at 2 am."

He doesn't touch Regulus, doesn't even go near him but Regulus is trapped.

" Quite the look on you." Severus looks him up and down and shoves his hands down his pockets.

He looks effortlessly untouchable. Regulus wasn't getting out of this unscathed, he knows.

" I'm sorry, i can explain-"

" No need. Just put on some pants and get out of my house." Severus says and pulls out a glass to fill with water.

" Are you....not gonna do anything?"

" Why would i do anything?"

" Because..."

" Reggie, whether you are fucking my husband or not, it doesn't matter to me."

The vulgarity of it all disgusts Severus to the core but he's too tired.

" You can be his mistress, his secret. But i am his husband. He carries my name and I carry his. I won't stop you but if you let this out to anyone but us three i will not leave it alone."

He steps closer and Regulus steps back.

" I am a man of great patience. It's my job to take away pain but i have no problem inflicting it so don't push your luck."

Regulus gulps.

" Okay."

" Go home, you must be tired. You have work tomorrow right?"

" Yes."

" Then rest. You have 10 minutes. Don't wake up my husband."

The use of my husband is a dig of it's own. Severus will be damned and sent to hell before letting Regulus have the upper hand.

Even if he is his best friend, one of his longest life long friends. He won't give anyone the satisfaction of having an upper hand when it comes to James.

He sits back down at the dinner table and leans his head back over the chair. He has his headphones in again and barely hears the door shut after Regulus.

He sits for half an hour more, finishing his food and throwing some away, putting James' favorite in the fridge.

He takes another big gulp of water before preparing himself to go upstairs.

The skin care routine and hygiene is a good distraction but he can only he cooped up in his bathroom for so long. So he tentatively walks back into the bedroom and contemplates.

James is on his side, face peaceful. It's rare for Severus to see him like this, without a guard on.

It takes some time but eventually sleep gets the best of him. He slips into pajamas and then under the sheets, tucking his hair into a low ponytail.

As the bed dips, James' eyes open for just a fraction and he smiles.

" You're home." He mumbles and pulls him in as soon as he's close enough to reach.

Severus' head rests against James' collarbone and he's grateful for the hand massaging his scalp right now.

" Sorry. Long shift."

" It's okay."

" Saw that you had company while i was gone."

His voice is soft, hurt almost. He's never sounded like this before, its a reaction James hasn't seen.

" Is that....was that not okay?"

" No its okay. You don't have to ask permission every time."

" Are you mad?"

Severus looks up to see the look on James' face and he looks scared, hesitant with his touches in case his husband is mad.

" Why would i be mad?"

It's an open marriage after all.

" I agreed to it."

A/N: idk what day it is where u guys r but ill try to update every week around this time so like early weekends. Enjoy this hot mess of a couple <3

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