Episode one. Beginning

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Two boys were standing near the airport.
K:THE HELL?? WHY ARE SCREAMING!! Tch- I was about to catch heart attack
G:Ehehe,sorry,Killua! Are you ready for this trip?
Young boy with dark-up hair standing in anticipation of something
K:Of course!
G:We are going to have a lot of fun!!
K:Wha-.. NO,IDIOT! We are going to train there. Remember it?
K:No words. Let's go,We don't want to loose our flight, right?
Even though the white-haired boy just shouted angrily,he smiled sweetly.
K:By the way,what are we going to train,huh? Did granny say anything?
G:Yeah,Bisky said that it some kind of experiment. We will be alone there..
K:I see. So, nobody is going to control us. Test:"Are these idiots going to train by themselves?"
Killua portrayed Bisky as a professional, which made Gon laugh loudly and naturally
G: Okay -okay, enough. We should go.
Boys Found their plane and places,so they were ready to the trip..maybe
G:How long will we get there?
K:About 4 hours. Not that long
G:Fortunately yes. But I didn't get enough sleep from excitement, so now I prefer to take a nap,hehe
K:Fine,me too,than.. If we oversleep, they will wake us up
G: Okay! Have good dreams,Killua!
K:Ah-yeah,you too!
They slept peacefully. After 3 hours, Killua woke up. Looking at Gon, he saw that his friend had already woke up
K:Gon? Did you sleep? You look tired..
G:Killua,i couldn't sleep! I tried,but I am so excited!
Said brown-eyed boy with a serious face. Killua just smiled at that, but immediately changed his emotion to a more serious one.
K:We still have many things to do,you know? So relax and sleep. Where are you going to get strength?
G:Ah..Yes,you are right!
In the next second, the brunette took a comfortable position and tried to start falling asleep
After 1 more hour
Gon looked out the window and saw the plane just slowly landing
G:Killua,you are baka.
K:Pfft- You should have seen your face!
G:By the way.. We gotta get ready, we're Landing
5 minutes later, the plane landed. The boys left the busy airport with luggage
G:Well, where is our hotel?
K:Let me look at the address that Bisky sent
The blond-haired boy immediately entered the address into the phone and they hit the road
G:Shall we walk or take a taxi?
K: It will be faster on foot. If we run through the forest, we'll get there in 20 minutes
Both activated Nen and ran. Surprisingly fast, clear and calm
K:Oi, Gon! Come on, who's faster?
G:Okay! Then ...-The boy increased the pressure of Nen and ran faster
K:Too slow,meh- God Speed
Electrical charges formed around Killua. His speed has become comparable indeed with God
The guys were so passionate about the game that they did not notice how they arrived in some kind of forest
G:Daaamn..you won...
K:Of course i did!-Killua said smugly
In the next second, Killua looked around and realized that they were either lost or Bisky decided to test their nerves
G:Calm down,Killua,look!-Gon pointed to the small cabin in front of them
K:A cabin,huh? Let's check it
As they got closer, they saw a note hanging on the door:
Hi, Gon and Killua!
Here is your new place. I hope you like it and don't burn it. Please. There must be enough food,but if you are not lazy assholes, then go to the shop
K:At least,now we know,that this one is for us.
G:I wonder how long we'll be here?
K:A month, no less. Granny said we'd need at least a month
G:Oh,i see. Fine,I am cold, let's come in!
The boys entered the cabin. It was quite comfortable and cozy. Not so bad. It had a kitchen to the left of the living room and a bath under the stairs to the second floor. The entrance to the cabin led directly to the living room. The second floor had 2 bedrooms and balcony
G:What room do you want? There are two..
K:I don't care,i just want to sleep
G:Then this one will be mine-Gon said cheerfully pointing his finger at the room closest to the stairs. It was smaller than the second one, but Gon was comfortable there
K:Okay. What time is it?
G: Let me see..It is 8 pm.
K:Then, let's cook dinner and go to sleep
The boys quickly locked their luggage into their rooms and ran to the kitchen. Like Biskey said, there was food.
K:I'm too lazy to cook something complicated right now
G:Same, let's just hope,that there are ramens
K:So...-The guy rummaged around on the shelves and screamed -GON,I LITERALLY LOVE YOU! THERE ARE REALLY RAMENS!
G:YAYYYY!!! Let's boil some water!
After 8 minutes, Gon and Killua were already eating Ramen by both cheeks. Apparently it was really tasty
K:Are you done?
G:Yep! Thanks!
K: Than let's just go sleep,i am going to die now
G:You should go. I want to explore the area
K:Oh,fine. Don't linger too long. Good luck!
G:Thanks,Killua! Have good dreams!
At this, the boys waved to each other and went in their directions
-I spend a lot of time with Killua. Unusually, even now, just move away from him.
Gon stepped out of the Cabin and saw the forest once more. So soulless and dead. The boy walked along the path, looking at all the surroundings in general. Nothing special. A forest where no one walks. Cabin was in the heart of the forest,the chances that he would meet someone here were small. Very small. Going deeper into the forest, he discovered a small lake. It was crystal clear. Yes, so much so that the stones at the bottom were visible without even squinting.
-Wow! Beautiful..
Gon stepped closer to the surface of the perfectly calm water and looked at his reflection.
-I have to show this beauty to Killua! I'm sure we'll swim here.
Imagining how he and Killua would have fun, Gon automatically had a smile on his face.
-Okay, then it seems only the forest. I'll go already until I fell asleep on the road
While the Gоn was walking, it began to get dark and it was quite cold. October anyway. Having reached the house, the UAH quickly went inside, took off his shoes and ran to his room. Killua has long been asleep in his. Gon quickly scattered things on cabinets and shelves, and lay down under a blanket and began to warm himself. Sleep took the boy's mind and he succumbed to it.
-Where am I?.. What is it place?
Gon stood in a space full of darkness and nothing more. He immediately realized that it was a dream and relaxed. The only thing he saw was the silhouette of something. It was thin and with a crooked back. This "something" did not attack,Just looked. Looked intently.
-Who are you?
There wasn't any answer. Just a closer look,but then..
-I am h-
Stop Pov:Gon
Gon woke up to Killua yelling down at him
K: Already 11 am. Let's go already, and so we slept for so long
G:Yess! Come on!
Gon immediately filled with energy and blew up from the spot
G:Let's make Onigiri for breakfast!
K:Okay,good idea. Let's go
For the next half hour, the boys cooked and packed.
K:We will eat on the road, and now we will go in search of a place for training!
G:Uhm..Already?( -Gon said with a note of sadness
K:We are here to train,like I said before,idiot
G:Okay, fine,then let's go! -Gon said with a grin
The boys just wandered around the forest eating Onigiri, talking and looking around.
G:Killua! How about this place?
K:Uh,Come on. There are too many trees.It will be inconvenient to train here. We must look for a clearing ... Look like that one! Look at that field!
G:Yes,i think it will be pretty comfortable here!
The green-haired guy sat down on the ground a pood then checking it for convenience
K:Let's put a tag here so you don't forget!
Putting the first stick in the ground not far from Gon, he sat down and and Finished Onigiri
G:Thanks for food!
K:You are welcome,Gon)
G:So,where to start our training?
K:With the warm-up!
G: Then,Who will finish 2000 pushups the fastest?!
K:Don't even hope to win - said the white-haired guy with a smirk on his face as he took a plank stance
20 minutes later
K:Uhh, fine you won this time!
Gon responded by sticking out his tongue and awkwardly scratching the back of his head
-Gon, you really smile beautifully and shine with positive - In Killua's thoughts slipped. - How glad I am to be friends with you.
What should we do next... It's worth a little increase in physical strength and Ren.
Stop POV:Killua
I hope you liked it! It is just 1 chapter✍️✍️✍️✍️
Love you💞

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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