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Somehow I lost you.

I don't know how it happened or when exactly it began, but now you are gone. You've slipped through my hands like ice melting in the burning sun, leaving nothing but an empty space that cannot be refilled. There was nothing I could do, for you gave me no chance to try. I just had to let it happen, to let you vanish like the last traces of winter on a chilly spring morning.

Sometimes I think of you and remember. I remember how it felt to be happy, how it felt to love and to be loved. But when you left you took that away from me like you took all your stuff, leaving no trace that once you were part of my life.

But there are still traces. Traces that you left upon my heart and my soul; traces and scars that will never fade away. You carved cracks in the shield I built; the shield that was supposed to protect me from being hurt. You carved your name and the pain it brings into my heart and covered it with a layer of ice, to preseve it forever.

You left me forever frozen.

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