Star Gazing

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"Where do you think you'll be in five years time?" My question floats around in the cold air, the goosebumps on my skin becoming more visible as the wind blows. I turn to my side to look at the one person I wish I could call mine, but that only happens in fairytales, and this is definitely not a fairy tail. No, this is reality, and reality sucks.

Aiden lets out a breathy laugh, what's so funny? "You really want to know?" He turns his head to the side, our eyes connecting so easily, as he watches my every move. I gulp down my nerves, he always seems to make me feel intimidated, even after knowing him for over a decade, he still has that affect on me. I nod, holding my breath in anticipation as his hand comes out and tucks the loose hair that was once covering half my vision, and gently pushes it behind my ear. He retracts his hand, breaking eye-contact as he looks back up at the stars, and lets out a steady breath, "Up there."

At first, I'm perplexed. I tilt my head like I'm going to see something different, but then it clicks. I try to stay calm, but I'm only greeted with a big lump blocking my throat, causing me to sit up. Aiden follows my action shortly after. I feel his stare on me, but I don't turn to him, I find myself not wanting to look at him, even.

I try to keep my breathing in a steady pattern whilst I pluck the grass, "Why do you think that?" I settle with after debating on what to say after a while. What else would one say to that? It would be pretty damn stupid to ask him if he was okay just after he just practically told me he thinks he won't make it passed twenty three.

I hear him clear his throat, the air around us suddenly strained, whilst he pulls his legs up to his chest, "Do you blame me not wanting to be on this earth for much longer? Having to wake up to my parents arguing everyday? It's not like I'm going to make it in life anyways, my grades aren't going to get me anywhere." He mutters into the night sky whilst I hang onto each and every word he's spilling, "There's no point of me being here, Mya."

Again, I feel his burning gaze on the side of my face whilst I try to register his words. I hear him sigh in frustration before his hand comes out and grips my jaw, turning my head so we are looking at eachother again, but I avoid his eyes. Those green eyes that have always captivated me, the eyes that always hold mischief in them. Because if I do, I know I'll break. In fact, I'll probably scream at the top of my lungs.

"Look at me, Mya." He pleads but I refuse. This is all too much to take in, in one night.

"How long have you felt like this?" I ask the first of many questions I have for him. I hear him sigh, dropping his hand from my jaw, and runs his hand through his black, messy, hair. "A while." I blink back the tears as I nod my head.

"And you couldn't tell me about this sooner? Before it got worse?" Two more questions check of the long list as I force myself to look at him. His face holds regret whilst he rocks himself. This image might hurt more then the two times I've seen him cry, he looks hopeless. This isn't the Aiden I know, the Aiden I know is confident and strong. This Aiden in front of me is insecure and vulnerable, and I would do anything to rid this image from my mind.

"I'm sorry." Is the only thing he can muster up, the only thing that feels right to say in this very moment. I bite my lip before it has a chance to tremble, and to think I was going to confess to him tonight. I almost laugh at the thought.

I start to regret everything, catching feelings, coming here in the first place, but mostly I regret even asking that question. But maybe it was fate? I could of found him dead tomorrow and I wouldn't even know the reason why, that would've haunted me for the rest of my life.

"I love you, Aiden." The words hang in the air, little does he know I mean them with my whole being. I've loved him for as long as I can remember.

"I love you, Mya."

Aiden's POV:
More then you'll ever know. It's a shame time is short.

Mya's POV:
I shudder as the wind blows, my hair going in all different directions, "I want to help you, please let me help." I'm practically begging at this point. I'm going to fight even if that means getting myself hurt in the process.

I hold my breath as I watch a singular tear roll down his cheek, "I think I'm too far gone, Mya." He whispers. He looks towards me and for the first time since his confession, I meet his eyes. Broken, they look broken. They aren't the bright green eyes I remember, they are dull.

My own tears start to slip whilst I reach out and take his hand, "Please?" He bites his lip, his eyes getting more watery by the second, as he shakily brings my hand up to his lips and presses a soft kiss to the back of my hand.

"There's so much I want to say, but I'm running out of time." His voice breaks as he pulls me into his arms. I let out a sob as he rocks the both of us, "Tell me." I look up to him as he leans his forehead onto mine, "Please."

"You are the only person I have ever loved in this world, remember that. Promise me you'll remember that." I nod my head, tears streaming down my face, whilst his head gently leans down, his lips softly pressing onto mine. I try to savour this moment because only now have I realised that life is too short.

Aiden pulls back reluctantly, and releases a shaky breath, "Goodbye, Mya." Before I realise what's happening, Aiden slips from my vision, completely fading away, and that's when the blood curdling scream finally breaks free. I clutch my chest as I pat the space where he was once sitting, until it finally dawns on me...

He was already gone, and there was nothing I could do about it.


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