Someone Like You

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Have you ever fallen for someone who you shouldn't have? Well I have, and it couldn't have gone any better...

My name is Sage and I've been going through a lot of family drama lately, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me take you back to the beginning.

A few years ago, my family and I always went away together at least once a year. Each destination different than the last. This year we decided to go to Bournemouth as a little stay-cation as we were pretty tight on money recently so we couldn't afford to travel outside the country. We were only going for a week or so as my parents had to work.

A week was long enough for me anyway as I didn't want to be away from home for much longer, I would miss my boyfriend too much. We had been together for about 3 months at that point. We both made a promise to talk every day and to FaceTime every other day. I know it was only for a week but we were really happy.

I was quite a sheltered girl at the time, I didn't have many friends, my parents had a better social life than me which is always embarrassing! I liked to stay in my comfort zones, I never left them. When I heard we were going to Bournemouth, I did some research into the area to see what I could get up to while we were there.

For as long as I could remember I had fallen in love with this band called The Vamps, I have been trying for years to get tickets to see them live but there was always some reason why it never happened. While I was doing my research for the week away, something ran across my screen, I've never clicked on something so fast in my life! It said, The Vamps UK Tour. Starting in Bournemouth for two nights. Realisation suddenly hit, I was going to be there when they were for the first night of tour!

I burst with so much excitement my mum came upstairs cause she was worried about me due to all the screaming. "Are you ok Sage?", she asked. I then responded with a very vigorous head nod. "Did you know that the boys are going to be in Bournemouth when we are?" I asked mum. She had no idea. There was a bit of a pause before she said anything, "I know what you're going to ask me Sage, I know it would be a dream come true for you to go and see them, however you know that we can't afford it right now, I'm really sorry".

My face just dropped, I never knew that I could feel one way one minute and feel the complete opposite the next. "I know, I was just getting my hopes up. It's just I've been wanting this for so long and now they'll be there when we are. I just thought that this would be my time. But it's ok, I understand".

"Dinner's ready in 10." Mum mentioned while closing my room door.
"I'm not very hungry" I retorted back.

After talking to mum I realised that it will never happen at this rate. I just needed to get a new dream.
Closing my laptop I decided to just head to sleep as I was tired.

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