First Day Of The Rest Of My Life

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We arrived in Bournemouth last night, we are staying at a hotel in the middle of Bournemouth. It's a pretty basic hotel. Mum and I are in a room together and my dad and my brother are in the one next door.

I've always wanted to get up early and get exploring when we go to different places. There's so much to see and learn, never want to waste time inside when I can be out there taking in the sights. I have always taken my trusty camera with me wherever I go, I've been keeping a photo book of everywhere I've been. I post some of my work on my social media and it gets a bit of traction which always makes me want to post more. I have also posted some self portraits every now and then. I have gained so much self confidence in the last year or so its amazing, I thought I should show the world who I am!

It was around 8am when I had left the hotel and ventured out into the city to explore. The first thing I have always done when arriving in a new place is grab a morning coffee and some breakfast. So, I was on the hunt for the nearest cafe! On my way I captured so many beautiful people just living their lives. I really loved seeing people in their natural habitat. A picture can really say a million words which is probably why I found my love for photography in the first place.

A short walk later, I came across this lovely small cafe called, Sea Shore Cafe. So I went in and found myself a corner table after ordering what I wanted. While I was waiting for my order to come, I was watching everyone through my lens and just admiring the variety of people in this one small cafe.

Suddenly someone was in the way of my lens and as I was about to tell them to move, I looked up to see who this selfish idiotic person was. "Do you not see that I'm trying to take photos here—". I was taken aback by who I was sat in front of, it was none other than Brad Simpson! I was so confused and also starstruck at the same time that we just stared into each others eyes for what felt like eternity.

He finally broke the silence, "Do you mind if we sit here? This is our usual table when we come down here?". When he said that I finally clocked the other three lads stood beside him. "I- I- Uhh-. Ummm sure! Let me just gather my things". I stuttered.

"Oh no, don't worry. You got here first, Why don't you join us for breakfast?" One of them said, I wasn't sure which as I couldn't take my eyes off Brad. It sounded like Connor.

"Only if thats okay with you all?" I said.

They all were nodding their head, Brad then sheepishly said, "Of course! I'd love to see your photos that I was apparently in the way of". He let out a little giggle. We got the introductions out the way. I tried to play it cool and not say that I knew who they were. As some celebrities don't like fans to be all over them, asking for pictures and autographs.

We all sat down and I showed them all my photos that I'd taken. Luckily I had my laptop with me. I was showing them my socials where I had posted my photos, I was still amazed that I was being so cool about everything. Like I was actually talking to the boys, all of them! They were all really interested in what I was saying and showing them.

"These pictures are incredible!" James said.
"Where did you learn to do this?" Brad said.

I replied, "Thank you, that means a lot James. I've always had an interest in photography so I taught myself how".

I noticed they all shared a look and I was curious as to what they were thinking. I was scared but it felt like a good look that they shared. "What would you say about being our tour photographer? We have seen your work before and we all loved it, this is fate that we've met here the morning before the first show. We havent found anyone to photograph the tour, you would be perfect for the role!" Brad said.

I was stunned, was I dreaming? Out of all the places I could've gone for my coffee this morning, I chose the place where The Vamps call their 'usual'.

"Ummm, YES! Of course I'd love to!" We all cheered and toasted to a new friendship.

I can't believe it, I'm going to be on tour with my favourite band as their photographer!!

"Shit, I need to ask my family if they're okay with it..."

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