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The ability to look into someone's mind; the deepest parts of their thoughts, feelings, and soul, wasn't exactly welcomed by most.

Thea had grown up an average child, and certainly appeared quite normal, and yet she always too mature for her age and had a knack for a few odd things. Those included: finding amusement, anger, or even sorrow in a silent room, understanding others on a nearly absurd level, and most peculiar, always detecting a lie or false truth.
The idea that Thea was abnormally supernatural never crossed her parent's minds.
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery were two completely human individuals. They both had lived boring, mundane, simplistic lives. The mere thought of anything diverging from that path nearly sent the two spiraling. So when Thea's powers were finally recognized for what they were at the age of sixteen, they did what they assumed to be the best option.
They sent their daughter to a boarding school; Nevermore Academy.

So, Thea packed up her life. Saying goodbye to her friends was the hardest part.

The young girl couldn't help herself from feeding the growing resentment towards her parents. She knew that under the guise of 'wanting to help her' was really just her parents not knowing how to coexist with her anymore.
Her power had become the subject of everything. The reasoning for every huge fight and little disagreement.
The things Thea were once praised for had now turned sour and rotten due to the prospect that they were because of her abilities. Her profound empathy and kindness, her humor and understanding.

Thea had become one thing and one thing only to her parents; her mind-reading ability.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope to have a somewhat consistent update schedule. :)

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