An prefectly normal run to the store? Or not.

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- "People talking."
- just normal thought.
- Demons screams in you head.

(Y/n's POV)

"Hey don't forget your jacket before you leave!" My mother called out before I walked through the door

"Ok got it bye mom I'll be home soon"
I called out as I left the house to go buy groceries.

Today was fine... I am just walking to the store nothing out of the ordinary. I mean everyone buys groceries right. I shouldn't be scared to go to the store. I could get kidnapped no-no I'm fine. I shouldn't stress about that anyways.

(Thump I bump into someone)
"Wa- oh I'm sorry sir." I said with a smile. He just grunted and continues walking.

See look what you did your the worst! You better not mess up this list you worthless piece of trash. Your mom already knows your a forgetful screw up you don't wanna disappoint her more. Not like there's not much else to lose trash rat. Your always messing things up mistake.
(Screw up)
(piece of trash)
(Forgetful piece of crap)
(Trash can)
I-I help.....

3rd person

The girl walks with a smile on her face all the way to the store. No pain was evident on her face. She acted like the happiest person in Liyue.

Her smiled warmed the hearts of others. She did everything in her power to make others smile. Even when hers was fake...

"Good morning madam ping! How are you today!" She said with a smile.

"I am good my dear! Tea is still at the 3 o'clock like normal I presume." The older lady said with a smile.

"Of course madam ping I can't wait for it! It's the highlight of my day! The girl said with a beautiful smile. I will see you later madam ping!"

"Bye darling!" Madam ping said with a smile.

Madam Ping has always had a bad feeling when the girl was near but she always brushed it off sense she always seemed happy. Instead of worrying about her unsettling awora. She invited the girl to have tea party's with her to check up on her

Negative thoughts (if you could even call them thoughts) still swarmed the girls head. Voice can be heard on top of each other all screaming an insult into the girl head.
(Your nothing but a disappoint)
(Do better idiot)
(Smile bigger)
(Bigger dummy)
(Hey brainless are you Frankenstein's monster)
Please leave me alone...
I can't handle this.

Once at the store she looks a her list and puts her ingredient in the shopping cart. Remembering to stay in budget and checking off each item in the list. She goes up to the cashier and gives her a smile. The cashier returns a smile shocked from the friendliness of the stranger.

(Random fact) Liyue is known for there law,mora, and competitive nature so naturally there are fewer friendly people in the town. Kindness here is one in a hundred.

Done with groceries-shopping the girl decides to head to the book store to get her mind off...

The Screams

(Y/n's POV)

Upon entering the book store the girl sees none other then Xingqiu searching the shelves for a fighting techniques book. Beside him is a icy blue haired boy. You have known Xingqiu for about a month and are fairly familiar with the book obsession boy, but the boy beside him was a total stranger to you. You were hesitant to greet Xingqiu seeing he brought a friend along.

You acted fine with meeting new people but strangers still scared you like crazy. You were just about to turn and leave. Because your head was screaming at you to book it out of there, but after the icy haired boy turn around. You caught a glimpse of his face. Suddenly a sudden felling of peace came over you. You didn't know what it was but something about that boy made you want to be close to him.

After a little while you mustered up the courage to talk with them...

but your mind conveniences you other wise. And the girl ended up sitting at a chair for 10mins trying to calm her mind just to speak to a simple stranger. You were about to give up when Xingqiu spotted you. Then him and his icy haired friend started to walk toward your direction.

Welp so much for that plan. You got this. Don't mess up like the failure you are! Your head screamed at you.

The Facts You Didn't Ask For!!

1. It took Y/n 20mins to approach the cashier.
2. Madam Ping mainly invites Y/n for tea party, because she wants to brag to someone about her antique tea set collection.
3. The reason Y/n knew what book Xingqiu was choosing. Becuase he came soooo often to the book store, that Jigang made a full shelf dedicated to fighting techniques for him.

Xingqiu and Chongyun next chapter :)

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