idea dump

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Hi everyone
It's nice to be able to talk to you again
But I'm afraid this will be the last time I will say anything
So a should say how my life has been going i guess

School has been quite the rollercoaster of emotions (mostly stress and any other emotions that I had this year) since we were coming back from a pandemic Xd

One phrase that would represent my school is "work to keep yourself at float or drown in the turbulent river you are on"

It was rather a strange year for me because I had to adjust myself again to social interactions
And let's just say: it didn't go very well
I wasn't able to manage my feelings and that cost me my mental health
But after some months I was able to get a hang at it
I'm still awkward around any people I don't personally know
But at least it has gotten a lot easier

So this is my goodbye
If you want to see more of my art you can follow my insta: melyn4021

At last
My final action is
This idea dump in broken English :'D

mordern day city
self sacrifice without any self regard
main character hero to traumatized
ribbon is a representation of someone self personality
to the more eratic the more instable or unpredictable it resistance strenght
sis villian to conscious, stain type person

blurred person type same level as sis your not going to see them very often big sibling type a mentor for main

sis enters to agroup of savages where they want eliminate ribbon because it created power hungry people and a corrupt sistems where they just want power fame and money
this savages are people that where pushed into a conner because of the controling nature of the goverment or betrayed by society when needed help
ribbon is a representation of someone self personality we need to remember but it can shift someone, like a teenage fase in a mixing pot with trauma and repressed fellings
it comes from a big moment in your life, one that change you as a person, normaly you get it a a fairly young age, you know kids maybe from 6 to 10 years
main is oblivious to this fact, they see a normal society with a heart of gold, they haven't seen the worst of poeple out side their parents and end up killing for the
good of the future not by choice i think they're trying to make chaos (protest) as more poeple unite because asphyxiatign restrictions to keep in power

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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