The slip up

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*Y/n is currently on a job to steal some important documents from the inside of the villain leagues base

Super Regeneration: Being able to regenerate extremely fast and constant rate
+Due to this her pain tolerance is impeccable

Blood manipulation: Being able to use blood of you and or anyone else and being able to control its shape, density and way it moves/flows
- Due to its immense strength it wears out y/n immensely and uses alot of strength, along with this if Y/n loses focus of the blood she can deactivated the quirk unintentionally

Onto the story

The door let out a faint creak as I walked into the Base, I tiptoed silently throughout the dark room being careful not to make a sound. I was hired to find some important documents that my hirer/contactor believes to be somewhere in the league of villains base. As my eyes adjusted to the dark I could see that the place was very empty.

*Someone needs new decor

I thought to myself looking at the dull pitful room, although they did have a substantial bar on the side of the room which I could respect.

*That's what I'm talking about

I thought smiling. I walked over to the bar quietly,

*I'm just going to check what they have in inventory, nothing will happen anyway I never slip up

I smirked looking at their display of alcohol, since I'm lonely I accompany myself with alcohol often, so I decided to take just one bottle with me.

*They won't mind, they have so much anyway they probably won't even notice.

I thought looking the shelf up and down. I saw a intriguing bottle high up on the shelf and reached for it. I strained my arm stretching my fingertips as long as they could go reaching for it, I tippy toed high as I could placing my hand on the shelf for leverage, longing for the glittery red bottle.

Atlas I gave up,

*Being to short to reach stuff is such a cliché

I thought scoffing as I reached for another bottle as I shifted the floor boards let out a loud creak that echoed through the small room.

*Fuck.. I hope no one heard that, I better just find those damn documents..

I sighed looking up at the red glittery bottle,

*we will met again.. and I will grab you...and I will consume you

I glared at it. To the side of it I saw a piece of paper sticking out.

*I knew my bestfriend was alcohol

I thought smirking at the luckyiness I reached for the document once again barely touching it.


I muttered. I felt a muscular body press up against me. It reached for the document and gave it to Me.


I said smiling.

"Your welcome..."

A raspy yet soothing voice said.

*oh fuck.

It dawned on me that I didn't have a partner nor did I know anyone for that matter (since I'm lonely and friendless as fuck.)


Two muscular hands slammed down on the counter locking me in between the unknown persons arms, their body still pressing up against me.

"And what's a little mouse like you, need those very very important documents for?~"

He cooed teasingly in my ear. I went stiff.

"Oh dear.. your not a rat are you? Planning to steal those documents that me and my buddies need so desperately?..."

He said in a playful teasing voice.

"It's not nice to touch stuff that's not yours."

He whispered.. but this time it was low and not playfully. It was a cold demanding voice that made me shiver.

"Did your mother not teach you any manners?"

He said, this time annoyed. The contrast of his playful teasing tone to his cold tone was crazy, it felt like a whole new person was talking.

"Am I talking to a wall? Your as stiff as a brick."

*what the fuck do I do..

"Haah.. fuck me..."

I muttered face palming disappointed in myself for slipping up. One mistake ONE MISTAKE of wanting to get alcohol... My bestfriend tricked me...

"I was planning to love."

The raspy voice said. I had completely forgotten he was their and a small spatter of red blush crept onto my face.

I felt a sharp pain in my neck as the unknown figure stuck a syringe in me making me drowsy.

"Sweet dreams little mouse~"

All because of one mistake Where stories live. Discover now