Chapter 1 Memories

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I was just walking down the street, I didn't know the day, time, not even the year. I couldn't remember a thing, not even where I was going. There was this man he had an overcoat with his hands in his pocket. I felt like I had seen him before. I started getting this weird feeling in my gut telling me to walk over to him. Slowly I started to walk over to him when I got about 20 feet away I got a flash of what I imagine was me as a little girl holding hands with my mother telling me "you are a good person and you always will be" then she fading away... she died. I took another step and then I got another flash of me and my dad sobbing over a coffin of which was probably my mothers. Who was this man why is this happening to me I wondered. Finally after a few other flashes I finally got to the man but he disappeared when I got out of my last flash. "shit" I said to myself "I lost him"

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