Chapter 2 Lost and alone

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Have you ever been lost and alone...
Cause I have, not knowing where to go. Since I don't remember anything then I don't remember where I live. This really sucked because it was getting late and in London it gets cold at night. I could go sleep in a hotel, but I don't have any money. The man in the jacket I saw him again, but this time he was running. From what I thought, I followed him. The same thing happned again when I got 20 feet away "ahhhhh" I screamed this flash was weird for some reason it gave me this horrid pain in my head. I was in a room, it looked all rusty and old. There was a man with me he was standing next to me holding my hand. The pain got worse, the next thing I know I was on the floor and this old lady was helping me stand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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