"Log: 9" Fate

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Begin log.

Alright... um... hello again. I'm just... going to go back to work. This recording won't be much but, it'll just be a record of my time as I seek for ways to improve this rubbish pile of a town that I call home. This is the task that I'm given and I will accomplish it.

A sigh is released. No one cares about how I feel. No one trusts my words because of the reputation I bear, so, I guess all I have to do now is to get things done as quickly as I can, so that I can get the hell out of here. The sooner I finish this, the sooner I'll find a new job. When that day comes, I'll begin a new life where I'm happy.

You might not learn much from this recording, but, if you care to sit with me as I talk about my work, then I may have a thing or two to show you.

Not long ago, I mentioned that this place was being overrun by criminals. This makes sense since there aren't many residents to keep watch of the place, nor are there enough police to tackle the amount of missing cases.

Lately, I've been thinking about proposing a volunteer program, one wherein the people would come in and help locate the criminals. Either civil volunteers or police volunteers from outside the island. So, I looked into the last time a similar program has occurred, which was in November of 2010.

I viewed a recording of this volunteer meeting and I noticed something... there are so many police present in this meeting but... these are phantom people... There are no records for the identity of many volunteers present in the video. The written report stated that only a handful of volunteers came, which is contrary to the video that clearly shows hundreds of people... Where did they go? How did they vanish?

It is almost as if something has the ability to change time and rewrite history, but that's just myself doing crazy talk again. The sheriff wouldn't want to speculate another big thing...

So anyway, yeah, that's the mystery I wanted to share about today. I won't be able to solve it since, then again, no one listens to me. I hope someone finds this tape and continues off with researching the areas I stopped at... Too many questions remain unanswered to this day. The hidden treasure is only found when people start looking for it.

Creaking noises are made, it can be imagined that JB leaned onto the backrest of his chair.

That's enough sidetracking. Dwelling on mysteries does nothing for me... It is note my fate to find the answers...

Sipping noises are caught by the recording, before the sound of a dinging dish.

I took a sip from this bitter coffee, yet I don't feel awake, I'm barely lively right now.

The same chair creaked again, likely because JB stopped leaning his weight onto the backrest.

I'll take a look around the police station to find out what needs to be changed. I can find a dozen things that this place lacks... but I'll have to start somewhere, so I guess I can go to the carpark... There, I can take some moments to have fresh air and ponder over the needs.

JB leaves the room and begins to briskly walk along the halls.

I walk around this place and notice how wasteful these resources are... So much unused rooms and equipment... The soles of my shoes squeak against this floor. It's freshly waxed, which unfortunately, is a rare sight nowadays. Now that I'm thinking about it, it's hard to maintain these redundant offices... This place needs a reform...

This walk would be a long one, just as expected from a place of this scale.

The next moments are filled with many background noises. There are no significant narrations from JB. This went on for many minutes, wherein every second was filled with the echoing sounds of repetitive footsteps; no voices to be heard from such an empty building.

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