Chapter Fifty

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          Naty was so excited for her surprise it took her three tries to enter the code for the door. Fred had said nothing else about it since his initial mention which brought Naty to continual speculation. Knowing Bang Chan, there was unlimited potential for what it could be but Naty secretly hoped for one thing in particular. All she wanted of Bang Chan was a bow on top of his head and arms extended wide for her to leap into. Time with the man was the most precious thing he could ever bless her with.

          But that was not what she saw when she opened the door.

          A shocked gasp left her as she stepped into the condo and saw that it was lightly decorated with little balloons and streamers as if for a small party. Her eyes scanned the additions until they locked with the man she had been hoping for. Immediately she ran to him as she shouted, "Is this for me!"

           "This is for you!" he grinned as he embraced her with so much love she felt she could cry just from the contact.

          "But why and Wonja!" she pulled back to admire his outfit, "You look great!"

          Chan was dressed in the signature black but in a style that was fit for a social gathering. He blushed as he shook his head, "You look great! Your hair looks so different. Is this the 'Irene' style you were talking about."

          "It is," Naty grinned as she playfully modeled it for him, "But really? What is this all for?"

          "Well...I was afraid KeumPu would put you in low spirits so I decided to do something that might cheer you up," the man scrunched his face a little as if he assumed he failed, "It's not perfect but I did the best I could with the time I had. I promise I'll make it better. We can have a redo this weekend and I'll hire a whole staff to make this place look like a fairytale."

          "Are you serious?" Naty's question came out a little harsher than she planned but she threw her arms up to show him the surrounding, "This is gorgeous! There is no redo that needs to happen. This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. I know how busy your schedule is and I can't believe you went through all this trouble for me. I can't believe you did this all by yourself!"

         Somewhere in Naty's gushing the two found themselves in each other's arms again. Bang Chan's face was a delicate blush color while his cheeks were stretched into that excited smile he always carried when he was really thrilled about something. The man licked his lips in the most delicious way before replying, "Well...I did have some help."


         The man pulled back as he shouted, "You can come out now!"

         From the nook of kitchen and dining room that was always hidden at the doorway came a bouncy figure full of bright light and energy. Naty had to blink a few times to register that she was awake and not in some sort of dream state but when she did she let go of Chan to run into the arms of the figure, "SOOJIN!"

          "NATY!" the woman replied as they crashed into each other.

          "What are you doing here! Oh my God! Is this real life! Oh my God! What! I thought you weren't coming back to Seoul for another two weeks!" Naty felt on the verge of tears.

          "It's thanks to your incredible boyfriend!" Soojin's eyes also had the promise of tears but she laughed enough to stop them, "But that's not the only surprise."

          "What more could there be!" Naty stepped back feeling as if her heart would burst into a million pieces as she looked between one of her best friends and the man she was in love with, "You two are under one roof! How could anything make this better!"

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