Note from the Author

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Hey guys! I know I don't have near the following here anymore, due to my books being deleted on here soooooo many times and my account being deleted. But for those of you who have found me and stuck by me, I figured I'd try to make this a place where I can give you better updates in case you aren't following me on FB or IG.

As of August 2022 I am a self-published author through KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). I'm so thrilled to finally be achieving the goal of getting my books published! And I hope y'all will stay with me for this journey!

In my personal life (if anyone is interested), my parents are having many health issues and I'm supposed to be moving back in to help them out around April/May 2023. Also I'm about to have a job change starting January 2023, so hopefully my stress levels will come down a little and I'll have more time to focus on my books. Fingers crossed!

Please feel free to drop me any questions or comments! And please help me spread the word about my books!

For those of you who have patiently waited for my books to come back, I can't thank you enough! You have no idea how your support has helped me over the years. ❤️

- Much love and well wishes,
Ciara Hartman. Aka SecretWorldOfSin

Books Written by : Ciara HartmanWhere stories live. Discover now