Codex 009: Anthem

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::: Athens :::

Athens is one of the oldest planets settled by the Republic. A planet very much in the same fashion as Canaan, Athens was first settled for use as a military research platform. Building a research facility among the flatlands between deep, mountainous crags, what is known of the planet is mostly known for the experimental technology that can be found there. Also worthy of noting are the Guide ruins that dot the planet's surface.

Unbeknownst to the world, however, is the buried Guide ship on which the largest of the Athens' military bases held by the Republic has been erected. Those in the know keep it a tightly guarded secret to avoid the repercussions of the Three-Party Accord. However, the planet is popularly known for its government secrets and experimental armors.

To stave off public interest, many of the well-known Guide ruins have been excavated and moved off planet, leaving only husks and shells behind in their wake. Moved to neutral planets for research by all parties, this was seen as an act of good will by the Republic, though there are some who question the motives of the action, suggesting that it was done to ward off further interest by those who would reprimand them. They say that there are things beneath the surface of the planet which they do not want seen.

All-in-all, very little of substance is known of Athens. There are many rumors which might be carried across the Galactic Network, and nearly everyone has heard at least one of them, but none have any real evidence or value. What little is known is that whatever the Republic has hidden there, they want to keep it to themselves.

Updated: Athens is the planet where retired Lt. Jameson Arthur and Dr. Chastity Clarke were taken following their return to the Republic military forces after the battle on Hades. Their current status is unknown.

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