Chapter 1

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In the small town of Geneva it was well known that one of Frankenstiene's creatures resembling a skeleton with many legs and butterfly wings still roamed the woods near the lake. It had been a few years since the first attack of Frankenstiene's monsters where many died and any people who were involved where executed.
This story starts with a boy named Sabastian who often walked around the forest near the lake playing around and sometimes even swimming in the lake but today was different as today he say something that he had hoped he would never.He saw Frankenstiene's lost creature the one that had escaped ,this creature was not like the others it was friendly and simply wanted 2 things a friend and to finally fly. When Sabastian saw the creature he was scared but as it approached him and offered him a cherry he realised its kindness and from that day on visited every day and made it his mission to help it fly. He started visiting all through the summer and autumn helping the creature ,which he named Berry after the colour of its wings and what it ate , to learn how to fly teaching it to flap its wings and to learn how to jump off high places and flap. Though it did not go quite well at first Berry eventually got the hang of it and started flying slightly but not well.
But on one day all of their fun and games came to an end when one of the villagers saw Sabastian with Berry and ran back to inform his parents but they were unable to find the creature. Sabastians parents who had lost a child to one of Frankenstiene's creatures did not want a repeat and confined him to his house but that would not hold the boy back.
Sabastian learnt how to sneak out and continued visiting Berry when he knew his parents would be busy but that did not last as eventually when autumn ended and the lake started freezing over Sabastian could not go outside as he became ill.Thus when Spring came Sabastian was ecstatic to see Berry but when he went to find him he saw that Berry was being caught and tried to stop the town head but was pushed away and dragged to see Berry's execution.
Just as they were about to shoot Berry through the heart with a flaming arrow to burn him to death though,Sabastian stepped forward and jumped to protect Berry being injured in the process this enraged Berry as thus had been his only friend and broke loose from his ties and tried to fly away with Sabastian in arms but just as he was in the air for the first time the most tragic thing happened.
Berry and Sabastian where both shot through the heart with a single arrow and fell to the ground in a burst of flames their bodies burning away.Everyone realising how they were wrong they were about the creature and its relationship to the boy,the village people and the boys parents cried out in tears as they had one again lost another child because of Dr.Frankenstiene.
It was from then on that the villagers never let the children go near the lake or forest to never lose another child again.


Short story written by:Alexander Myburgh
Original idea by:Nakita Marais

Frankenstein's creature and the boy SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now