I see u 😁😁

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Episode two : lost medical records

..Foot steps..
[42 karat agency]
"access granted"
"Agent 17: vin de peur"
"Bonsoir patron"
Captain raises his hand to take off his goggles before greeting 17
"My favorite killing machine {puts hand on shoulder}, how did it go kiddo?"
"It went well captain..but hey uhh captain do u know why [HIM] went...all crazy and ..stuff ?.."
Silence fills the room
This is the 3rd time...
"...why are u asking me this vin?i thought we talked about it before" "Yes but captain something happened today "
"It's important "
"Vin cut it out"
"Captain you hav-"
"Cass-..vin thats..enough"
"my apologies"
Fancy file flashcard

Lieutenant Cassie •
deceased eldest daughter of the captain
State : dead
Died on a mission with her  B̴̨́̚ͅr̷̼̽̆ͅi̷̛̳͙̜͐͛͝t̸̻̝̲͒̑̐͜͜͝͝ḩ̵͋̀͋͗ř̴͙̻̘͈͗̎̅f̶̤̘̠̞̟̄̃ḑ̸̞̟̻̃͆͜͠ṫ̴͉̻̊͗̈̽ [file name 24]

Second Son of captain Lucas
State : kidnapped/missing
Was missing after the murder of lieutenant cassie
End of said flashcards lol

"I told u multiple times dont bring him up so why are you doing that right now"
"Because he almost killed me today i dont know??"
"Dont speak to me with attitude....but..you didn't kill him did you?"
"of course not captain, he was like a brother to me"
"What happened"
" i just shot him..with anaesthesia of course just like the rest of the times i met him and then laid him on the ground for his teammates to find him i guess.."
"Thats good..Sighs..hey kid  ..follow me real quick "
"Where to?"
"Just copy orders"
"Try to look for a file with the name file 24"
"Im tired of writing said the author cuz im tired indeed"

Authors end note
I know i took too much time to update this shit but idk how to turn imagination into words cuz i just cant yknow
Also since this story only happens in my dreams half the time idfk what they r saying

Authors end noteI know i took too much time to update this shit but idk how to turn imagination into words cuz i just cant yknow Also since this story only happens in my dreams half the time idfk what they r saying

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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