Oj Vladi Vlado

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Oj Vladi Vlado!, Father of the Russkys!

The Kadyrovites has also turned their back on you!

Oj Vladi Vlado!, take a cold shower!

Your friend Pushilin is smiling in your face!

Oj Vladi Vlado!, you Muscovite degenerate!

Yevgeny Prigozhin will lead you thirsty across the water!

Oj Vladi Vlado, your network is so small!
If you didn't fucked with us, they would have been greater!

There is no more Russian salad made from our Ukrainan potatoes!

Oj Vladi Vlado! You are awfully mad at us!

Because a real leader won't sell himself for land!

Oj Vladi Vlado!, Why do you need land?

How many dissolutions you think you'll have?!

Oj Vladi Vlado!, You'll lose your honor!

When Prigozhin takes your bear and sends back the organs!

Oj Vladi Vlado!, there's something wrong with you!

You think you're big but in reality you're so small!

There is no more Russian salad made from our Ukrainan potatoes!

Oj Vladi Vlado!, You have a terrible flow.

Because papa, you have chosen the wrong side!

Oy Vladi Vlado, What are you going to do now?

You have been betrayed by the Wagner Legion!

Oj Vladi Vlado, We too had called you!

But you wanted to become the great Vladimir!

Oj Vladi Vlado, Maybe you didn't know.

You have flown high but fell really low!

There is no more Russian salad made from our Ukrainan potatoes!

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