Dubstep Trolls and Queen Kaylee

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The balloon floated by, the others just looked around. 

Barb: Ugh, where is this Dubside? 

Beatsto looks at her and shrugs, making a confused HM.

Pixel: We'll be there in 3, 2, 1...

An oceanside village appears. Many different trolls are just walking around.

EchoSong: Welcome to Dubside everyone.

Barb: How...

Pixel: A Electropop Troll never tells.

The balloon lands. The others get off.

Poppy: Wow, this place is nice!

Beatsto dings in agreement. Soon a bunch of Dubstep trolls run by, shocking the others.

Lownote Jones: What was that all about?

EchoSong: That.

EchoSong points to a sea glass colored troll with darker hair. She has on pink sunglasses and tye dye shirt with tights on. She is singing a song called "Promises"

Kaylee: You got me so wild

How can I ever deny
You got me so high
So high I cannot feel the fire
And you keep telling me
Telling me that you'll be sweet
And you'll never want to leave my side
As long as I don't break these

Promises, and they still feel oh so wasted on myself
Promises, and they still feel oh so wasted on myself
Promises, and they still feel oh so wasted on myself
Promises, and they still feel oh so wasted on myself

You got me so wild
Why should I be so surprised?
You got me so high
Don't you see it in my eyes?
And you keep telling me
Telling me that you'll be sweet
And you'll never want to leave my side
As long as I don't break these

Promises, and they still feel oh so wasted on myself
Promises, and they still feel oh so wasted on myself
Promises, and they still feel oh so wasted on myself
Promises, and they still feel oh so wasted on myself

They are so wasted on myself
They are so wasted on myself
They are so wasted on myself
They are so wasted on myself

They are so wasted on myself
They are so wasted on myself
They are so wasted on myself
They are so wasted on myself

Promises, and they still feel oh so wasted on myself
Promises, and they still feel oh so wasted on myself
Promises, and they still feel oh so wasted on myself
Promises, and they still feel oh so wasted on myself

The others listen to the song. While Poppy and her friends listen to the song with stunned expressions, Pixel, EchoSong and Beatsto just smile while hearing it. Soon, the song ends and the Dubstep Trolls cheer. 

Kaylee: Thank you, you are all too kind. Now if you excuse me.

Kaylee notices the others and walks to them.

Kaylee: Pixel? Beatsto? EchoSong? Why are you here? Also, who are these?

Pixel: You want the full story or the  brief explaining?

Kaylee: Full story.

Pixel explains to Kaylee Ellie's plan, the attack on Neon City, meeting the other tribes, and everything that has happened. After he finishes, Kaylee looks stunned. 

Kaylee: Oh. My. Troll! She did all that?!

EchoSong: Yep, and we still need to warn the Nightcore Trolls.

Kaylee: You haven't warned Starlight yet?

Beatsto makes a buzzer sound, indicating a no.

Kaylee: Then there isn't a moment to lose! We need to go, now!

Poppy: What about your...?

Kaylee: My string is perfectly safe, I promise.

Pixel: She is right, hiding the Dubstep string is pretty simple, considering its color.

Poppy: Then let's go!

The balloon flies off once again. Meanwhile, back with Ellie, she is waiting for news from her spies. Katherine is just pacing back and forth.

Katherine: Ellie, are you sure this is a good idea?

Ellie: Sweet, little Katherine, of course I'm sure. We need to find those trolls.

Katherine: I know, but...

Katherine was cut off as one spy flies in. Ellie smiles.

Ellie: What news do you bring?

Spy: We found out that the trolls had just left Dubside and are heading for Night Hills.

Ellie: Good, and the other kingdoms?

Spy: The attacks on Rapper Forest and Beatville are done. We managed to get the Rap and Beatboxing string.

The spy pulls out the said strings as Ellie swipes them.

Ellie: Thank you very much. Send a team to Dubside to get their string and we'll head for Night Hills.

Spy: At once, my queen.

The spy leaves as Katherine just looks down.

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