Chapter 1 Introduction

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You are reading in a room on the Chimera while your pet fox is sleeping peacefully on your lap, when suddenly you hear the sound of several guards marching past the room. You open the door and see a mysterious prisoner walking with them. You go to the lab where your father is and see him with Tony Stark. " Dad, who was that prisoner?" you asked. " That was Loki, he is an evil man who killed many people, I want you to stay away from him," said Bruce. " Dad, I am 22, plus I am more dangerous than you and any other Avenger here," you respond. Bruce wasn't happy with your response as Tony smirked while eating his blueberries. Nick Fury suddenly walks in the lab with you three and says, "Y/N I need you to come with me." "Why do you need my daughter?" Asked Bruce. " I need her help to spy on Loki while Natasha speaks to him." Said Nick Fury. " Absolutely not!" Bruce said sternly. Nick Fury looked at dad then back to me and angrily said  "Bruce I did not ask you or your daughter's permission, I was commanding her." Bruce starts to get angry, so you step in and say "Dad, it's going to be okay, I can handle myself and if anything happens to me, P/N will let you know if I am in danger or not." "Fine, as long as you promise me that  P/N will tell me if something happens." Bruce said as he was calming down. You sigh with relief and say "I promise, Nick let's go".
You and Nick Fury start walking down the hallway to Loki's cell when Nick suddenly says, " So, I actually need you to sneak in the room without being spotted after Natasha is done talking to Loki. I need you to stay in that room to gather any extra information he might say to himself ." " Now, I know this is your very first mission with us, but based on everything I've read about you, you seem to be the perfect person for this job." You excitedly say " You can count on me sir!" Nick looks at you and you can see a small smirk across his face as if he was happy with your enthusiasm. Once you both reach the door, Nick Fury looks at you and expects you to use the doors. You look at him and say " doors are for amateurs, I guess you didn't read everything about me." He cocks his eyebrow and suddenly the vent falls on the floor. You both look up and to Nick Fury's surprise he looks up and sees your best friend P/N. " Perfect timing P/N"! You use your grappling hook that you keep in your side pocket as every great assassin should and go into the vent with P/N.
You both crawl through the vent to the other side where Loki is held in his cell, you and P/N jump down very quietly as soon as you do you hear the panic in Natasha's voice as she says " Loki means to unleash the Hulk". You see the confusion on his face as you and P/N stay hidden in a dark corner. As Natasha leaves, he says "You know, you can't hide from me when I can read your mind."

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