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There was a figure not doing anything but to thinking how many seconds, minutes, days, months and years has been passed since he arrived on this endless black void as what he called it.

It was dark, not even a single light even his other senses are deem to be useless as he can't even feel a single wind on his skin, but that exact moment he remember what exactly happened to him.

'looks like another successful reincarnation, and from the looks of it I'm inside of a womb?' As he tried to gently move around to not alert his new mother.

'Looks like i have to wait for a while till I get born, I'll do what I always do, seal power and just use what you currently have and use original power if needed to' he said.

'now let's play the waiting game' as he waited and and playing chest using his mind trying to pass time till the fated day come.


Currently he was sleeping when he felt large amount of shaking that forced to wake him up.

He tried to assess the situation but suddenly he was blinded by a light so bright that he needs to adjust his eyes as it's used to dark before being thrown a flashbang to his eyes.

After he adjusted from the light he looked around and saw two figures, one is a woman that's currently laying down on the bed with her legs open and the other one is a man that's currently carrying him.

The man gave handed the baby to the woman who seems to be his mother, she looked at her baby as she weakly kissed his forehead and closed her eyes as her breathing slowly and slowly stopped.

The man standing besides her cried as he get the baby from her dead body, he then put the baby to the basket as the baby can't help but closed his eyes as its too much task to wake up as a child.


When the baby opened his eyes he saw that he can no longer see the man that put him in the basket.

'... Did I just got abandoned? The hell? I'm a newborn and I got abandoned?! Come on dude thats no cool...' The baby thought as the baby started to cry.

'I'm so hungry... So I'm going to die of hunger huh?' The baby thought, then the baby saw a figure going towards the baby as he cried more louder for the figure to notice the baby.

'HEY! IM HERE DA BABY!!! Damn I can't talk yet because my vocal cords haven't developed yet'

Then the figure looked at the baby and picked it up as the man trying to calm the baby down.

"Did you get abandoned? Hm... I'm Daisuke Kambe... Do you want to go with me?" He said as the baby stretch its hands trying to his face as the baby keep screaming in his mind 'PLEASE! IM SO HUNGRY!'

Then Daisuke looked at the basket where the baby was and saw a letter then he read.

"Who ever picked the baby thank you, i can't keep him as he reminds me of my late wife, and I know I'm going to hell because of this, I also can't take care of him as I'm also dying its also the reason why his mother died, please who ever picked him up please take care of him as your real family, his name his Mozuto. Thank you once again." After Daisuke done reading he looked at the baby and said.

"Looks like your coming with me Mozuto, you're going to be my son. From now on you're gonna be Mozuto Kambe, member of the Kambe family" he said as he walked towards his car.


(Time skip 5 years.)

"Mozuto where are you?!" A girl in the age of 5 with black long hair tied into a pony tail with pink red eyes is currently calling for his friend as they played hide n seek.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 ⏰

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