How it started

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Hi im Luna. im going to take you all the way back to when i was in year 2...
It was dinner time and the girl i thought i would spend my whole life with told me the most shocking news 'Luna. im moving school. you probably wont see me again but i promise ill never forget you.' those 17 words cut through me like a knife. my heart was crushed.

A few years go by and i started seeing this girl everywhere only it wasnt really here she was a figure in my imagination. I just couldn't believe she was gone. i had no way of contacting her as we was so young. I thought the stories in my head would all disappear one day so i pushed them down. I was right i stopped having them. i moved on got a new bestfriend who made my world complete. everything was going great.

March 2018.
I heard my mum call my name, 'LUNA' i ran downstairs to see if she was ok. she looked at me with joy in her eyes as she read the email from her iphone. 'You have got to be kidding me. Im not going to that stupid school. none of my friends are going there. Ill be completely alone. You need to change it.' I cried but she had already decided I was going.

September 2018.
As i walked in to the gates of my new school never in a million years could i prepare for the events that was heading for me.

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