(btw these wont b in alphabetical order)

Ares - God of war

Athena - Goddess of wisdom and war

Aphrodite - Goddess of love and beauty

Artemis - Goddess of the hunt

Apollo - God of poetry and music 

Asclepius - God of healing and medicine

Atlas - Primoridal Titan who holds up the sky

Athens - City built for Athena

Arachne - Excellent weaver, first spider

Argus - One-hundred eyed servant of Hera

Argo - Ship built by Athena to help Jason reach the Golden Fleece

Argonauts - Crew of the Argo

Achilles - Hero that was dipped in the river Styx as a baby by his mother, which made him invulnerable. However, he was held by his heel so that was his one weak spot. Killed by Paris in the Trojan War by a poison arrow to his heel. 

Achlys - Goddess of sadness and misery

Atropos - One of the Fates, spins the thread of life

Alekto - One of the Furies, known as 'The Furious One.'

tell me if i left anyone/anything out!

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