Hestia - Goddess of the hearth

Hades - God of the underworld

Hephaestus - God of fire and forging

Hera - Queen of the gods and goddess of marriage

Hesperides Tree - Tree that held golden apples of immortality

Heracles (you're welcome) - Hero famous for completing 12 labors

Hydra - Nine-headed snake. If one head is cut off, 2 heads grow in its place. Has one immortal head

Hermes - Messenger god

Hebe - Goddess of youth

Harpy - A bird with the head of a woman

Helen - Queen of Sparta

Hecatonchires - 3 humans with 50 heads and 100 arms. Guards the gate to Tartarus

Hecate - Goddess of magic

Helios - God of the sun

Hypnos - God of sleep

Hyacinth - Apollo's boyfriend who got turned into a flower

Tell me if I missed anyone/anything

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