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I wanted to write a poem for you
Thought why not describe you?
Should I talk about your eyes
Or your intimidating disguise?
Or the time when you wouldn't budge or sigh
before standing by my side.
Or shall I talk about your little sneaky smile
that slips out sometime in pile.
Maybe I should talk about your denial towards love
How can you call it "bekar ke chakkar"
when you put Krishna all above
When you consume romance/heartbreak
music like a drug?
I think I'll rather talk about the profound love for beings that you hold in your heart
Your aura that makes me want to restart
Restart and look at this world a little differently with a lot of love and calm.
And I hope whenever this love of you starts to fade
You remember that love it's not just a shade... But a whole rainbow
A rainbow that comes together to make the white light shine brighter than snow.

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