Meetings In The Head

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Ziva POV

Tony looked at me from across the squad room and smirked. I secretly loved when he did that even though I acted annoyed. I love the way his green eyes shine at me. I see Tony get up from his desk and walk to the head. I wait until he was in there for a couple seconds, and then I went in.

"Zivaaa" Tony stretched out the last part of my name, which I hate. "It's a men's room for a reason."

"I know" I said "Just want to come talk to you without the supervision of Gibbs." I said as I hopped onto the bathroom sink. I sat there was swung my legs as I Tony rambled on about a new movie he just bought. I had a flashback from the night before.


I went to Tony's house and he made us dinner. It was really good.

Tony and I have been dating for about a year and a half now. We have to keep it out of the office because we don't want Gibbs to find out. We are actually surprised that no one has figured us out yet.

Tony's hands were around my hips and we kissed and had some "fun." Tony and I are a pair. We are inseparable. He is my Little Hairy Butt and I am his Sweet Cheeks.

I had to get up early and rush back to my apartment and get dressed and make it back to NCIS by 7. I loved being around Tony. He was like a little kid but in a manly way. He always has my back, but we still have to go to work. I was still got there before Tony, my Israeli driving skills come in handy when I am in a rush to get to work.


"So, Sweet Cheeks you want to come watch it tonight with me."

"Sure..." I told him. I don't even know what he said the movie was, I zoned out.

"Or" he said slyly, starting to get close to where I was sitting on the sink "we could have a repeat from last night"

"No. Stop it DiNozzo" I said pushing him away. "but I will watch a movie with you." I said jumping off the counter and lightly kissing him. "Come on we better get out of here or people will suspicious."

"Alright" he said kissing me again "I love you to the moon and back."

I laughed "I know, now let's go"

Moments Before...

Gibbs POV

I had to take a break from paperwork and use the head. As I got closer I heard whispers from inside. I knew it was Tony and Ziva. I think those two have been in a relationship for some time now. I don't like that they have broken my rules, Rule 12, but I know they really love each other. Tony looks at Ziva the way I looked at Shannon. I ducked around the corner so they wouldn't see me when they came out.

When they came out they were holding hands and Ziva pulled away and said "Wait. Out of the office, remember." Then they walked back to their desks. So, I was right they were in a relationship and they do really love each other.

A/N So this was supposed to be a one-shot but I think it can be a full story. I don't know what I am going to do. I think I am just going to leave it as a one-shot. If you want it to be a full story comment. If enough people comment I will continue. :)


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