Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

TW: Blood (depictions of a car crash)

After a month, Jack found a flat to move into. On a day he was off from work, and Ianto was at work, he packed up and left. He didn't tell Ianto face to face, but he wrote him a note, and left it where it was easily seen. All he said was that their living situation wasn't one he could handle anymore, and he needed to leave.

When Ianto came home that evening, he found the note from Jack. He was shocked that Jack had left, and had done it without Ianto realizing. His heart hurt, but he was glad that Jack had left, because he didn't have to avoid him anymore. At least now he'd be able to sort out his feelings and confusing thoughts about his sexuality. He was struggling to come to terms with his attraction to Jack, and the fact that he's not straight like he believed himself to be. He was questioning his sexuality, and didn't connect with any specific label - he wasn't omnisexual like Jack, he wasn't bisexual, or pansexual, or gay. If he had to choose a term, he preferred being unlabeled.


Jack was driving home on an unusually snowy night in mid-January. He was being careful because the roads were icy, but even the most careful driver could get into an accident. And that's exactly what happened. He was driving on a thin spot of black ice when his car fishtailed and crashed through the guardrail on the side of the road. It spun off the road, flipped over. The car was completely wrecked, and Jack was trapped in his seat. He was all bloodied - blood was pouring out of his nose and a gash on his forehead. He had fractured his right arm and leg - the door got crumpled against it and the pressure broke them. His ribs had cracked too, leaving him with intense pain every time he tried to draw a breath. Jack was rapidly losing consciousness, and couldn't call for help. A passing car on the road pulled onto the side of the road and called an ambulance. They stayed with Jack, finding his phone and calling Ianto through the emergency call settings.

Ianto was still listed as Jack's sole emergency contact as Jack had no family in Wales anymore. Hell - his family had cut him off for being part of the LGBTQ+ community and he hasn't spoken to them in a long time. In the event of an emergency, he didn't think they'd care to know. And since Ianto had been his best friend and flatmate up until recently, the Welshman had remained his "call in case of emergency."

Ianto met the ambulance at the hospital, and as soon as they had gotten Jack stabilized, he was allowed into Jack's room. He was warned though that Jack was in a coma, and would look very different than what he knew. Ianto braced himself and entered Jack's room. He stifled a gasp when he saw Jack - he was wrapped in bandages and casts, and had all sorts of tubes and wires attached to his still form.

Tears began falling down Ianto's face as he sat next to Jack. He held Jack's undamaged hand in his own, stroking the top of it gently. The doctors had also warned him that Jack's injuries were serious, and that he may not wake up, and to be prepared for the eventuality that Jack may die. Ianto resolved not to leave Jack's side until he woke up - he didn't want to believe that Jack might die.

Over the months that passed with the two of them apart, Ianto had finally come to terms with his feelings for Jack. He wasn't sure what it was, but he thought it may be love. He was scared as fuck, but he decided he wanted a chance with Jack. if it didn't work out, at least he'd know he tried, instead of always wondering what could have been. Now, as he sat with Jack, everything came spilling out. He told Jack what he had been going through, and why he had been acting the way he did. "I know, it's not acceptable. And I'm so sorry for how I've been, Jack. Truth is, I was terrified. I'm still really scared, I've never felt this way about a man before. It's- it's not men, though. It's just you, it's only you. I've not even felt this way about Lisa. I've fallen so hard in love with you, Jack. I wish you were awake to hear this, I hope one day you will be."

As Jack slowly regained consciousness, he could feel someone's hand on his own. It felt vaguely familiar, but he couldn't place it. Until he heard a gentle voice talking to him. He knew that voice- it was Ianto! It must be Ianto who was holding his hand. He was struggling to open his eyes, but found he could move his hand. After he heard Ianto confess his feelings, he squeezed Ianto's hand to let him know he was awake. The tube in his throat helping him to breathe when he was in a coma felt restrictive now, and he started coughing and choking slightly.

Ianto felt Jack squeeze his hand - he was awake again! He let out a soft laugh, releasing his tension, and squeezed back to tell Jack he felt that. When he noticed Jack struggling to breathe, he got up to try to call a nurse. He had to let go of Jack's hand, but Jack didn't seem to want him to let go. "I'll be right back, I promise. I'm just going to get a nurse so they can remove the tube in your throat." He kissed the back of Jack's hand and let go, calling a nurse to the room. He told her that Jack was awake, and that he was having trouble breathing. When Ianto returned to the room, he saw Jack's eyes were open, and watching him. 

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