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Once upon a time was a girl who started an account on Instagram and on pic collage. She was super shy and didn't really talk much to people but she had a goal, a promise, a dream she wanted to fill. She started a project called the keep smiling project, she was slowly coming out of the shell she had built around herself as she started to created a second family (better then her real one) and continued to make as many people as possible happy. Someone else happiness was her happiness there wasn't really anything else that would make her more happy as her life wasn't really the best but not as bad as others. She always told herself when she got down, not to be down as people have it worse than her, people have way worse lives then she does so why should she be upset. But she met a lad, a sister, a few brothers and that's what changed her. It changed her whole life till it went down hill again...

Falling into emptinessWhere stories live. Discover now