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you slowly stirred in your sleep to be awaken to the feeling of being dragged across a dirty beige yellow floor?

you looked to see the same..people..things..monsters?

"w-what's going on"

they stopped walking and one of their heads turned fully around to look at you like an owl...creepy..

your eyes opened wide as you seen they were pissed...so you got scared and kicked their hands off of you somehow..and started to run

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'they don't sound friendly anymore..'

as you were running you saw a small tight space to squeeze through..but..it looked like you wouldn't fit but..as soon as you tried to slipped through and fell into..a..indoor poolroom.?

"where am i now.."

you felt tired of running and going places and starting to wish you never fell asleep and you'd be with ezra still..



to your surprise ezra was here somehow

"how did you get here?"

you looked shocked and stunned

ezra noticed and grabbed your hand and led you over to where there was a snack stand and gestured for you to sit down so they could explain.

||so..i tried to sleep the same way you did so i could find you but..i phased through my bed and i landed into here so when i was looking for a way out i noticed a small space to squeeze through so i looked through it and i noticed you were being dragged so i got you to wake up and run through that space..||

you were still trying to process everything that had just happened but then you quickly understood that this is where you're gonna be for the rest of your life..if..you even have one anymore..that is..

"Well, i'm glad you're here with me though.."

Ezra nodded in agreement

||Eat some food and drink something..we have a long way ahead of us..those things were just the beginning...||

you nodded as you got some food and water and somehow there was a way for you to eat through the tv screen or the bottom of it at least but..you weren't complaining 

"so when you said just the beginning.."

Ezra looked at you so you knew she was listening

"are there more things..here..?"

Ezra sighed and nodded

||There are levels actually..this place..isn't normal..at all.||

||but! we are safe here in the poolrooms!||

you felt yourself get overwhelmed but then soon calmed down after

"so..as long as we stay here we're safe.?"


you felt more relaxed now as you and Ezra talked about things you used to do before being stuck in this...dimensional world..

but little did you and ezra know..something...was watching..

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