The Ice Queen Simone

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Chapter four: The Ice Queen Simone

Marshall Lee POV

That night Gumball and I sneak in back to our house in the cave; thankfully the banana guards and that candy machine dude were gone. Quickly I pull out Gumball's winter clothes and help him put them on. When that's done with, we hurriedly leave our house and fly away to the Ice Kingdom. I really hoped Simone would agree to help us and not throw us out.

Few hours later we arrive to the Ice kingdom and Gumball couldn't hold himself any longer,

"How long are we staying here? Can I go play in the snow? Will the Ice Queen let me play with her penguins? Can we go skating later? Are we going to sleep on beds made of ice? If you touch the snow will your hands freeze since you're a vampire?"

His questions came out one after the other not giving me the chance to reply, I try to answer at least one of his questions as I land on the ice queen's open cave but Gumball jumps away from me and runs deeper into the cave towards a colony of penguins staring at us.

"Gumball, wait for me!" I call out to him

"Who dares enter my cave? Show yourself!" I hear the ice queen shout as she lands behind me holding a penguin, "I go out shopping and this is what I get? Burglars!"

"Wait, Simone! We're not burglars I swear, -" I start but never manage to finish the sentence because Gumball comes running back and interrupts me

"Oh my glob! You must be the Ice Queen! Marshall told me a lot of stories about you. Is it true that you kidnap princes? Is your hair naturally white or did you die it? Does the cold bother you? Why is this place called the Ice Kingdom when you're the only resident in it? Or do the penguins count as residents as well? I know Cake told me it's rude but do mind me asking your age?"

The Ice Queen stares at Gumball curiously and slightly offended, that's when I run towards the pink boy and pull him back, "Um Sorry about that." I tell her then turn back to Gumball and say,

"Why don't you go and play with penguins while I talk with her?"

"But I want to know what you guys will be talking about? Also you promised me we'll go skating?" Gumball whines

"How about when we're done I'll tell you what we discussed, meanwhile you go play with the penguins. And we'll go skating tomorrow, that sound good to you?"

"Okay." He smile then took off running to the penguins

"Marshall Lee? To what do I owe this visit?" asks Simone when Gumball is out of earshot

I turn to look at her, a part of me hopes that maybe she remembered something about me but looking at how she still wears the crown atop her head I know that she still doesn't remember me. But nevertheless, she is the only person I know who might be willing to help.

"Simone I need your help! There are these people who are coming after Gumball thinking he is a prince, which he isn't I can assure you of that. I don't know what to do, I thought of taking him to the Nightosphere but it's too dangerous for him to be there, and I really don't know what to do! I need your help Simone."

"Wait, slow down a little. Are you telling me that that kid over there is Gumball?" she asks pointing at him

"Uh yeah, but he's not the prince."

"But he is the prince."

"No he isn't!"

"Oh Marshall Lee I know a prince when I see one, never doubt my eyes." She smiles

"He's not and you can't convince me otherwise."

" I'm pretty sure you are well informed about what a royal birthmark is, seeing as you are a royalty yourself. You must have noticed one on Gumball."

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