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"If love can fade, then so can pain."

To say he was still bitter was plain; that he regretted his engagement was also plain – Jonnet had no doubts at all about these conclusions she had reached.

"I should never have come back into his life,' she said when her aunt, had noticed that Nicholas ignored Jonnet at breakfast and lunch the following day.

"Meeting me again has caused a turmoil in his life, which quite naturally, he resents."

"So you have quarreled?" Aunt Rose watched her face closely

"I suppose you could call it a quarrel,' was her reluctant admission after a small hesitation. 'He can't forgive me for what I did to him."

"Can't forgive ... how stupid men are!' Aunt Rose's brow creased in a scowl. 'You firmly said that you no longer care about Nicholas, but that wasn't true, was it, Jonnet?"

Without hesitation Jonnet shook her head.

"I only said that so you won't feel guilty. But you've known from the go that I lied, haven't you?" And when her aunt nodded. 'I could tell by the – er – subtle hints you made various times."

"And he loves you – but you don't need me to tell you that?"Jonnet just nodded.

"You've got hope, right from the start, you had hoped to bring Nicholas around the idea of giving up Julia and marrying me. You've plotted in all sort of ways – leaving us to have breakfast alone, for instance. And leaving us together on other occasions, you told Brock I was heartbroken over the death of Max, just so he'd be kind, and in this way Nicholas would be jealous. You've been optimistic, I know, feeling very satisfied with your efforts because at times it did seem that Nicholas was becoming jealous of Brock –'

"He was jealous of him. I knew all along that he loved you, and that occasion when he brought up the past was added proof if I ever required one. I might as well tell you that I still don't believe he will marry Julia."

"He will, Auntie,' Jonnet said with conviction. And when her aunt remained silent, 'You plotted, as I've said, and never for one moment did you give a thought to the fact that I might conclude that any kindness Nicholas extended to me were the result of pity, you should have taken that into consideration."

"How long have you known about my – er – scheming?"

"I put it all together last night in bed."

"You were awake?"

"I couldn't sleep,' Jonnet admitted, and hoped her aunt would let the subject drop but the old lady was not ready to oblige.

"Because of your fight?"

"Yes, naturally because of our quarrel."

Her aunt made a swift angry gesture with her hands.

"Why do people always go out of their way to hurt those they love? Surely he has more sense than to marry that horrible girl!"

"It's a question of honour, Auntie. He'll never abandon her."

"Honour! More like stubbornness, wouldn't be surprised if he's tired of obstinacy, which is so like a man thing! Darn male pride is what it is!"

"He wouldn't ruin his life just because of that.'

Jonnet shook her head.

'No, it's honour. In any case, have you thought just how he would lose face if he chose me over Julia? He is the most respected member of this outback community; Julia's parents are his nearest neighbours. Think of the embarrassment and loss of prestige. Everyone would talk about him, he'd be condemned for his actions – 'Jonnet shook her head again. 'He couldn't break his engagement even if he wanted to."

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