02 | Strange Feelings

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Waking up in the infirmary wasn't the best way to end off the school day. Though, it couldn't be helped since he supposedly 'passed out in the middle of the hallway'. Oddly enough; Jason didn't remember this happening. Him letting out a low groan as he picked his head off the pillow. 

Gazing around the room as he saw someone already there. A male with red hair and dark brown eyes standing across the room while looking heavily nervous. Him gazing at his phone while seeming to be messaging someone. 

Looking up as his eyes widened a bit. "Hey! You're awake!" He said and rushed over to the bedside and continued to look down on him. "The nurse is busy with another student. Hopefully she should be over here soon." He inquired and pointed towards the other side of the infirmary.

Jason blinked but slowly nodded his head towards the latter. Him gripping his head as he lightly winced from the throbbing in his head. "What even happened?" He asked as he gazed at his long-time best friend.

"We found you passed out in the halls." The male said in a bit of a blunt tone. Him moving his shaggy hair to the side of his face. Framing it perfectly.

Harun was staring at him for a couple of seconds before he realized something. "You also dropped your phone!" He said as he went to grab the object from out of his back pocket. Taking it out and handing the slightly cracked object to him.

"Nooooo! It got cracked!" The blonde groaned out as he held his phone carefully. Making sure it still worked by clicking every button possible on it and tapping the screen.

"Calm down! It still works..!" Harun said like he already checked the device. Him facepalming as he shook his head. "I swear you're addicted to that thing.."

"Am not!" Jason shot back as he pouted at the accusation. "My aunt would end me if I had broken this!" He said and tapped the crack on the screen for context.

"She's not gonna kill you." Harun said as he waved a hand. Looking over as a different male had gotten up to start walking away without another word to his friends or the nurse.

The woman soon walking over to Jason to look at his charts again. "Well Mr. Inoue. You seem to be alright.." She spoke calmly but still with a bit of question in her tone. Gazing at him then back at the chart. "I'll let you go. Just sign this form and you can be on your way."

Jason simply nodded as he took the clipboard with a couple sheets of paper on it. Him going to grab the pen as the nurse patted around a bit. "Ah. It's still over there." She said as she went across to the other stand and grabbed her pen. Handing it to the blonde for him to simply sign his name.

Albeit; the name wasn't too neat though that's expected out of someone who rarely practices their handwriting unless it's needed.

Harun was waiting on him to finish as he had grabbed both their bags. Gripping Jason's and having his own around his shoulder.

Soon; the two boys left as they were talking about some things that had happened while Jason was knocked out cold. The nurse going and tidying some things up as she bent down to grab something. "Huh..?" She blinked and reached under one of the stands. Grabbing a pen that was identical to the one she was currently holding in her right hand. 'Strange... I could've sworn I only had one of these....'


Jason was messing with his phone while walking along the vacant streets. His eyes flickering from the glow of his device to the scenery around him. He was staring at the game he had gotten. 'Darwin's Game'. His eyes were fixated on the icon as he stepped to the side to avoid hitting a lamppost mid-way. 'Screw it... I got time...'

With that thought fresh in his mind; he clicked on the icon. The letters appearing again as a little emote appeared on the screen. Scanning over the directions that were instigating the basic things he had to do to play. 

Soon; a small, chibi character appeared on screen. The first thing he noticed were the similarities between himself and this little emote. He soon saw another little character blinking on the map of the world.

Jason soon raised a brow slightly since the chibi head looked very familiar to someone he knew. The red-hair was the main thing giving it away. It looked to be going towards a building that was familiar to both of them.

He wasn't planning on going anywhere near that place before a message popped up on his screen.

'Yo Jason. Let's meet up at Shin Tower.. I wanna talk to you about something important.'

He was skeptical of this. But sent a reply to him anyways.

'Fine by me... cya there in a few.' 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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