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 In the Slytherin dormitories, Alexei woke up hungry. 

As Alexei made her way to the kitchens she heard a noise. It sounded like footsteps heading her way. Quickly, trying to find a spot to hide Alexi ducked behind some barrels. Alexei's ADHD kicked in as she waited to be sure danger had passed. She rapped quietly on the closest barrel. Alexi stopped rapping as soon as she was sure the danger had passed. 

Alexei quickly stopped again as a door opened and another noise was heard. Alexei thinking a teacher was coming jumped through the door that opened. Curious Alexei followed the sloped passage to the Hufflepuff common rooms. 

The room was circular and filled with plants and yellow and black banners with badgers on them. 

Alexei entered the room taking in the yellow and black room. Recognizing the colors she quickly figured out that the room was part of Hufflepuff house. 

The redhead remembered that Scarlett had been sorted into Hufflepuff. Alexei found the room that had 'first-year girls' written on it. She quietly opened the door and found five girls lying down on their beds. All of the were sleeping peacefully. Scarlett was lying in the bed closest to the middle of the room. 

Sneakily, Alexei made her way across the room. She winced every time she hit something and it crashed to the ground with a resounding crash. 

"Hey," Alexei whispered shaking Scarlett gently. 

Scarlett grumbled a bit but did not wake. 

"Scarlett," whisper-shouted Alexei. 

The older girl swatted at Alexei's hand still not waking up. 

"I'm going commit arson and anarchy," Alexei causally stated heading out of the room. Scarlett bolted awake. She grabbed the redhead and pulled her back to her bed. 

"No, you are not going commit arson and anarchy," scolded Scarlett. 

"But..Scarlett," the other girl whined playfully. 

"No," the blonde girl swiftly denied. This went on for a few more minutes before eventually the girls were playing around about the topic. 

'Wow,' thought Scarlett, 'If someone heard us we would most definitely go to jail. Be it Wizarding or Muggle.' 

"I'm hungry," Alexei suddenly complained, "Wanna sneak into the kitchens?" 

"Oh gods," Scarlett sighed in fond exasperation but then her stomach grumbled. "Where are the clocks in this place?" grumbled Scarlett looking around. Her internal clock told her it might be around two am.

"Let's go." Alexei happily smiled before pulling Scarlett's arm towards the common room. 

Alexei pulled Scarlett out of the dormitories and into the common room before walking straight out the door. Outside the door, they were met face to face with a thinking Draco Malfoy. 

"What are you doing out of bed and in the corridors at this hour?" Draco asked. 

"We could ask the same of you," Scarlett pointed out. 

"I followed her. I watched her sneak out of the Slytherin dormitory." Draco pointed to Alexei. 

"Well we're hungry and heading down to the kitchens you are welcome to join us." 

Draco decided he couldn't risk running into prefects right now because they had still been patrolling when he left the common room. Luckily, the Hufflepuff common room was only a few hundred feet away from the kitchens. 

"Fine," he sighed. 

"Good, let's go." 

Draco followed the girls to the kitchen. When they arrived they were met with the sight of Lilith and Fred already standing in front of the painting. Fred was reaching up to tickle the pear. 

"Hello," Scarlett whispered as they walked up to the trio. 

"Oh," Lilith jumped, "You scared me." 


"You're fine. I just thought you were a teacher for a second." 

"Nah," Alexei laughed, "We're just hungry." 

---------------------------------〜( ̄▽ ̄〜) This is my friend his name is line break---------------------------

-------------------------------╰(*°▽°*)╯This is my friend her name is Reverse time skip-------------------

Lilith woke up in the Ravenclaw common room. At first, she just had to use the restroom. Then, her stomach growled and she realized just how hungry she was. 

Lilith slowly made her way down to the Ravenclaw common room trying to be as quiet as possible. She breathed a sigh of relief when she made it to the door and had not woken a single person. Lilith quietly opened the door to the outside hallway. Outside, she was met with the face of one redheaded twin. Fred looked up from whatever he was doing as the door opened. 

"What are you doing?" Lilith asked skeptically. 

"Nothing," Fred replied innocently. 

"You're pulling a prank aren't you?" she accused. 

"Nope not at all," His tone was overly innocent and that was what ultimately gave him away. 

"Yeah right," she scoffed. 

"Maybe I am, maybe I am not. What are you gonna do about it?" 

"What type of prank are you pulling?" 

"The classic water over the door. Most Ravenclaws come out at the same time in the morning." 

"How are you going to do that?" 

"I've run a rod from this statue and just over the entrance and connected it to a string. I've also set up this tripwire that will pull the bucket's top once it is tripped, causing the bucket to tip over." 

"Not bad, not bad." 

"Well, I am a Master of Pranking." 

"Do you want food?" 

"I'll lead you to the kitchens if you want. The house elves are always happy to feed you." 

"That sounds great." 

"Well off we go." Fred led her down the stairs of Ravenclaw Tower and to the dungeons. He stopped in front of a painting of a bowl of fruit. 

"Now you just tickle the pear," Fred told her as he reached up. 

"Hello," a voice whispered behind them.

Lilith jumped before turning around, "Oh, Scarlett you scared me." 


"You're fine. I just thought you were a teacher for a second." 

"Nah," Alexei denied, "We're just hungry." 


"Shall we go in, ladies?" Fred asked tickling the pear which laughed and opened up for them. Draco had stuck more to the shadows while they entered the kitchens. 

House elves swarmed around them offering them small bits of food and drinks. 

1002 words. Haha. I didn't have to do much to finish this though. Only a couple of sentences. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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