suit yourself - 1

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y/n's pov

its 8 oclock, im late.

i manage to scrape my hair into a bun before wearing my raggedy uniform and scramble to school just in time for the register.

''y/n, you look like youve been roughed up!'' , someone states, i dont particularly recognize the voice but it seemed a male, plus the hearty laugh that followed afterwards really ticked me off, alas i was too caught up in my rush to get to homeroom before i was late. Luckily, i did manage to arrive a mere 2 minutes before the doors were closed, i considered myself blessed. As i practically fall into my seat i notice that the seat Infront of me, which was once empty, now had been filled by a young blonde man, i couldnt precisely see any details of his face but judging by the back of his head,

he had dandruff.

my face contorts in disgust, causing my teacher to say ''y/n, are you okay?''

''yes miss, im fine thank you''

''are you sure? you seemed annoyed''

i could feel the harsh stares of all my classmates drilling into my head, including mystery guy in front of me who had very rudely decided to turn around and glare at me, his right eyebrow slightly raised. ''I'm fine, miss'' i reply, loudly, hoping she'd take a hint, perhaps she did, due to the fact she very swiftly changed conversations and all classmates immediately gave their undivided attention to her.

''okay class, we have a new student'' she says, before smiling at the boy in front of me. ''would you like to introduce yourself to your classmates?'' she asks

''im tsukishima''

''is that all?''


his short and bitter introduction caused a slight snickering in the class, obviously shocked to how blunt he was. Even i, for one, was quite confused at how simple he was being.

''oh.. alright'' miss said, dragging out the 't' in ''alright'' to try and get more out of tsukishima. ''have you been shown around yet?''

''no'' he says, a face of stone on his face.

''i see! y/n!''

my neck snaps up at the mention of my name, i wasnt really paying attention to what she was saying, and she looked at me as if she was expecting me to say something, so i simply said


''i would like you to show tsukishima around the school''

''me? why me''

''you seem to have a good reputation around her, and your grades are decent, i dont see why not?'' she questions

i really didnt want to, however she didnt give me very much of a choice. The blonde turned around yet again and looked at me,

''you're showing me around?''

''uh yeah?'' i said

''she couldve chosen a smarter looking person''

i felt my face get hot with anger, how dare he assume my academic abilities!? he could obviously tell i was upset, as the corner of his lip curled up into a smirk, with his eyes slowly squinted, like he's taunting me.

''whatever.'' was the only thing i could say, before returning to my usual daydream, i heard him muster a small chuckle, almost so small no one could hear it, except me, because of how close he was to me. ''Dont bother showing me around'' he said, without even turning to look at me

''I can find my own way''

''suit yourself then, sir tsukishima, dont blame me if you get lost'', i replied, not appreciating the snarkiness of his tone. he scoffed.

he scoffed!?

this was going to be a long day.

word count = 568

this is my first time writing ! be kind

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