question?- 3

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y/n pov

its been a few weeks since tsukkishima started sitting with us at lunch, and as much as i hate to say this, hes actually not a horrible guy, id even go as far as to say hes pretty fun to be around once you get past the icy glares and the passive aggressive comments. Even yamaguchi has started to loosen up around him! And i wish i could say the same about tobio, i've known him since i was a child yet ive never even seen a glimpse of this persona he equips when hes within 6 feet of tsukkishima, i cant describe it, its a bungled mix of jealousy, hatred and pure violence, which makes me wonder what he did that made him so hated by tobio. And i love tobio, but tsukkishima brings out this feeling in me

i dont know what it is

and im not sure id like to find out

its a tuesday, and im having my daily lunch with yachi, tobio, yamaguchi and supposedly tsukki, but hes not here yet, and i wonder where he is

''hey guys, do you know where tsukki is?'' i say

''he could be sat with someone else? maybe other friends?'' yachi innocently suggests, and her humorous comment sparks a chorus of laughter among us all

''what friends!??'' tobio cries, in between giggles ''everyone hates the poor guy, well, hes not 'poor', he deserves ever fibre of hate he recieves''

as the group is mocking tsukki for various reasons such as his glasses, his hair etc, i see yamaguchi  in my peripheral vision with an uncomfortable stance in his chair and a wrinkle above his forehead, evidently portraying his annoyance. It seems im the only person who's noticed this but i decide to brush it off and confront him about it later to reduce the embarrassment

while everyone else was packing up their lunch and leaving, i try to talk to yamaguchi

''hey! yama! wanna walk with me to bio?''

''oh sure!''

i sense an awkward feeling in the environment as we trudge to biology, so i decide to pop the question

''so.... whats up with you and tsukki?''

apparently, my question is not an appropriate one since it catalysed a rosy blush to creep onto yama's face, and a wide grin blossomed too

''w-what about it?''

it takes me a while to realise what caused such a fuss when i realised it can only mean one thing




he must have a crush on tsukki.

''wait a minute.. no way?? you like TSUKKI??'' i yell

''shhh!! dont tell anyone! and yes, i do, i dont know why! what do i do y/n? hes such a dickhead and i fell for him, i dont even think im his......yk... type?''

''no way! dude, you gotta ask him out!! he'd defo say yes!''

im so happy for yamaguchi, he finally found a crush!

but if im happy for him, why do i feel such a dark feeling in my stomach? why are my fists shaking..? and why on earth do i feel like sabotaging yamaguchi? my face burns with jealousy and i attempt to hide my face with my hair, wishing a hole would just appear and eat me alive

im a horrible friend!!

''y/n, are you insane?? i am NOT asking him out!!''

''not asking who out?'' says a mysterious voice

the familiar voice was coming from behind us, yet when i turn around, its the one and only tsukkishima kei, with his signature eyebrow raised and his arms rudely folded, his voice did not ask for some context but it seemed that his stance was demanding it. Yamaguchi simply decided to ignore his question and walk away hurriedly in an attempt to hide his embarrassment, therefore i have been left here to deal with the beast

the beast being tsukki

his eyes stare into mine, as if trying to grasp the conversation me and yama just had

whys he intimidating me?

and why does he look so...


''um..'' i manage to splutter out ''question..?''

''what is it y/n? make it quick, i need to go to class''

i swear i can feel my heart in my mouth as i ask the question

''are you uh...yk... are you for the boys?'' i instantly regret what i had just asked, what the fuck is wrong with me? who asks that?? out of nowhere!???!?

and now hes staring at me, holding a laugh in


ive embarrassed myself.

thanks a lot yamaguchi, fuck you!

--tsukkishimas pov--

i stare at the little gremlin and attempt to hold in a laugh, although im pretty sure she knows im mocking her. Why did she ask me that? what a strange question, however, this is the perfect oppurtunity to fuck with her. She looks so uncomfortable and squirmy, just so eager to get a response out of me, but i decide to toy with her since shes acting like this question depends on her life


shes quiet, and doesnt move an inch, but i swear i see her face fall, and her usually bright-starry eyes begin to dull down to a cold glare''alright then'' she states, coldly, before making her way down the corridor to find yamaguchi

what the hell was that about? could she not tell i was joking? wait... do i look gay??  im still wondering why she asked me that.

youve got to be kidding me, what a sensitive person, and why should she even care if i WAS for the boys? unless theres something im missing?


nah, im too smart to miss something like that, shes probably just having a bad day or something..

word count : 900

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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