Chapter 15: The Island Room

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The sound drew our attention towards the dark area by the trees.

"You Kooks better not try anything!" Kiara yells. We hear more rustling and then see a very nerve racking sight. Renfield comes walking toward us with a disgusting smirk on his face.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I mutter as JJ picks up a piece of metal and holds it like a bat.

"I think you know what I'm here for." Renfield says calmly as he lifts his leather jackets and pats himself down to show us he was unarmed. JJ still held the metal ready incase he tried anything, I could hear him start breathing heavily as the tension built between all of us.

Renfield tells us that he wants to give us a "demonstration" as he informs us he has bow hunters from the army rangers here with him. We all stare at each other waiting and when Renfield signals, a rush of air goes right past JJ and I as the one rope on the swing is split in half by an arrow. We stood there speechless as Renfield threatened us waiting for Pope to hand over the key. The key we still had zero clue what lock it went to but we were damn sure not about to let this asshole get it.

"That key belongs to Pope!" I say as JJ puts a protective arm in front of me and another arrow is sent right at mine and JJ's feet. JJ pulls both of us back as Pope holds out the key and gives it to Renfield.

"Y'all have a nice night." He says smugly as he walks away. Pope marches off looking crushed and none of us are sure what to do next. The key was our only clue to finding the cross, the only thing we had to go on was the saying inscribed in it. But what the hell was the Island Room and where was it? We didn't know if it even still existed or if it had been torn down decades ago.


I tossed and turned in bed next to JJ, probably driving him crazy until I eventually gave up on sleep and walked out toward the porch. The air was cold now and couldn't turn my mind off. The day's events kept swirling around in my head on repeat. It started off so well with Sarah and I and then it just got worse and worse. From Topper and I completely disconnecting once again, to Sarah and John B. growing further apart, to Pope losing the key, it was a real banner day for the Pogues. I looked at my phone to check the time, it was just after 2:30 in the morning but I was getting multiple texts from Sarah.

"Hey are you okay? Topper is freaking out about y'all's fight"

"I can't believe John B. was just flirting with that girl."

"Are you awake?"

As I was typing my response I heard someone walking around inside and then the door opened and a very sleepy looking JJ stood there. His blonde hair was a mess going every which way and he was rubbing his eyes like a kid does when they wake up.

"Why are you awake, cupcake?" I smile at the little nickname and get up to wrap my arms around him. I let him bring me back inside and we get under the covers, both covered in goosebumps from being outside.

"I can't sleep. There's too much going on and I can't stop thinking about all of it." We're both laying on our sides now staring at each other and I know JJ is trying to fight off sleep. I can see the droop in his eyelids every time there's a lull in the conversation.

"Tess, I know but there's nothing we can do about it at 3 in the morning. Tomorrow we'll figure something out but for now we just gotta be tranquillo okay? Please try to sleep babe." With one final sigh he gave into his sleepiness and was out like a light. He was right, there was nothing I could do now, except text Sarah back.

"Wanna meet up in the morning? Lots to chat about."

"Yess! Meet me, in front of my driveway like today at 9!"

I send her back a little thumbs up emoji and finally feel sleep creeping in. I nuzzle in closer to JJ and within minutes am fast asleep.


Surprisingly, I am not the first one awake and when I go out to the kitchen I see a nervous Pope, very deep in thought at the table.

"Morning" I say quietly to him as I pull out a chair and sit with him.

"Didn't think anyone would be up for a while." He says and he sounds sad. I know it's not me but I feel like I interrupted a private moment.

"I'm going to meet Sarah for a little while and then I'll be back. I left a note for J but just tell him in case he misses it."

"JJ? Yeah JJ loves to read I'm sure it'll be the first thing he does!" Pope says sarcastically and we both laugh before I head back into the bedroom and quietly change.

When I get to Sarah's, I see her bike still not back so I assume she's still at my house. I could have met her there but the thought of even seeing my brother makes me angry. I was about to text her when I saw a familiar figure walk out of the house. Limbrey gets into the car parked farther up the Cameron's driveway and then Renfield and Rafe come out of the house as well. Rafe gets into his Range Rover and both cars pull out of the driveway. I duck down in my seat praying that Rafe wouldn't recognize my car. When I can see they're far enough down the street I call Sarah but only let it ring once as I see my brother's car coming down the other side of the road. I pull into the driveway before him and he follows me till we park our cars in the back.

Sarah hops out of the passenger seat and gives me a wave as she walks over and Topper unhooks her bike from the back of his Jeep. I reluctantly get out of the car and walk inside with Sarah, giving her a hug.

"Tess, come on just talk to me." Topper pleads as he puts down Sarah's bike.

"And what if I don't want to, Topper, huh? Are you gonna threaten me again?"

"I'm gonna give you guys a minute." Sarah says uncomfortably and heads further into the house.

"I was drunk, I didn't mean it. I was just mad about the Pogues messing with us." Before he can even finish talking I can see him regret saying it.

"OMG here we go again with the big bad Pogues always starting trouble. I'm bored of that story, Topper."

"I'm sorry, Tess. It was wrong for me to say that. I was wrong to threaten you and I was wrong to talk about your friend's like that. I am genuinely so sorry, Tess." I can actually hear the sincerity in his voice as he says it this time. But then again I thought we had gotten past this and yet here we are again. I want to forgive him, I hate fighting with him and it's exhausting.

"Fine. Just stop doing stupid shit like that okay? It's really annoying." He smiles a little as I say it to him and while I still don't totally forgive him, I do trust him. After he leaves Sarah begins calling my name from deeper inside the house. I haven't been inside in months and being back feels strange. The house almost feels haunted, like I expect Ward to walk around the corner every second but he won't. I'm also still freaked out about what Rafe is doing with Limbrey and if they could come back here. Sarah answers that question for me though as we enter her dining room or what looks like her dining room.

The wallpaper has been torn down and is scattered around on the floor revealing old drawings painted onto the wall. Something about the drawings seems familiar to me though and I can't figure out why.

"Sarah what the hell is this?" I ask as I examine the wall.

"Tess, I think this is the island room." As she says it, it all clicks into place. The drawing's seem familiar because Denmark drew similar ones in his journal!

"Holy shit, Sarah!"

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