Chapter 1

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Your POV

It's 6:30am when my alarm woke me up for my first day in my new school because I recently moved from England to Miami with my dad. Only I decided to agree to move with dad because my siblings all said no and wanted to stay there and I didn't want to leave my dad to be here alone.

Getting ready for school after moving is so tiring I barely slept last night, I was thinking about the new people I will meet and the new memories I would make.

"Y/N!" Dad called from downstairs.

"Yeah?" I called back down while getting off your chair to get closer to the door so I know he will hear me.

He came upstairs and smiled at me. "I just wanted to let you know that I am leaving to look around Miami and see if theres any jobs going"

I nodded, "Okay I will message you at lunch to let you know how it's going, Love you"

"I love you too" He said back.

At the moment i'm in the car waiting for it to turn 8 so I can go into the school and pick up my schedule for the next year.

Mother: Hello Y/N, I just want you to know I wish you luck for your first day and I hope you make many new memories and great friends. I love you Xx

You: Good morning mum, thank you I will let you know how it all goes after I finish i'm headin in the school now. I love you too x

After sending that message I got out my car and started heading to the office to know where I am going and to get my schedule. This is so different then the schools in England it is kind of scary at the moment only cause I do not know anyone.

"Hi, how can i help you?" This women behind the desk asked me.

"Sorry, hey my name is Y/N i'm new and starting today" I replied.

"Oh yeah we already sorted it all out" She said then she pointed at this girl with long brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. "This is Camila and she's going to show you around so you get familiar with your surroundings" She continued then handing me a timetable.

I nodded and :started heading towards Camila.

"Oh my god hi my names Camila Cabello and i'm going to show you around the schools before lessons start" She rambled.

I chuckled "Im Y/N and thank you for doing this otherwise I would be so lost. Its so much different then the schools in England"

"I have always wanted to go to England" she replied. "So I will show you around now then you can hang out with me and my friends im sure they will love you" She smiled.

I smiled and thought to myself this is a great start.

(A/N): Okay this is the first chapter I hope you all like it pls comment what u think ty LOL.

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