Final Breath

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You and Wednesday were just in the archery room practicing for something special, the teacher was surprised how good you two were at archery " wow you two are very good at archery for your first time" teacher said " how do you know if this is my first time doing this" You say as you shot the arrow right in the center " Wednesday smirked after you said that then the boy walked in, it ruins wednesday mood every time she sees him " hey Wednesday and babygirl" he said and you looked at him holding the bow and arrow, you noticed Thing was beside wednesday holding a knife and he threw it at you

* Your POV*

I caught the knife with one hand and threw it at the target, it landed in the center " that was just for practice" I say while looking at the boy " Y/n, what are you gonna do with that arrow?" the boy as you held the bow and arrow him " something i've been wanting to do since i saw you" wednesday knew exactly what you were about to do " and what was that" he asked you " this" you say aiming the bow and arrow towards him, shooting the arrow in his chest going into his heart and he fell down backwards " great aim, y/n nobody likes him here anyways we were just waiting on someone to kill him but thankfully you did just that" the teacher said, wednesday walked up to you hugging you " good job, i knew you would aim for his heart" she said walking over to him squatting down next to him " bye bye, have a good funeral" she'd say " now let's get his body out of here and have his funeral in the woods" you said picking up his legs, the teacher picked up his upper body and you both carried his body outside, Wednesday let everyone know that the funeral is about to start

* Nobody's Pov*

everyone gathered around for the funeral including Thing and spades were there " We're all gathered here today for the amazing death of the boy everyone hates" the teacher " thanks for Y/n, he's finally dead and we don't have to worry about him trying to hit on everyone" the crowd cheered for you " now let's here a few words from Her's truly, Y/n" the teacher stepped aside and you stood in front of everyone " Well you see..when you great aim and skill, you can make someone take their Final Breath" you said a little speech and then they dug his grave and dropped his body there before covering it up with dirt now  since his dead, you and wednesday can finally have peace.

* To Be Continued*

Dark Love | Wednesday x fem y/nDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora