Epilogue: The Library Again

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Once Pomfrey and McGonagall confirm that neither Draco nor Hermione have broken any (more) bones, they're jointly awarded the longest span of detention ever given to Hogwarts students — another superlative in Hermione's long résumé of superlatives.

Because of her exemplary record (not his, obviously), the detention is commuted to twenty hours of reshelving library books, something she enjoys anyway.

The arrangement suits them. Shelving time quickly turns into study time, and they apply themselves diligently to kissing each other senseless against the shelves and conducting oral exams on top of the very table where their agreement began. No cash payments are offered or accepted.

As their explorations become more intimate, Hermione discovers that there is no Latin tattoo on his hip. He clarifies that the only tattoos on his body will be the constellations of his children's names, should that time ever come.

Hermione also confirms that he has only one (1) sexual organ, that it is of perfectly average size, and that it does not hiss.

On the day they decide to test-drive it, they sit with their shirts open, running fingers across ribs and bellies, easing into the next level of trust and closeness.

Draco clears his throat.

"Hermione, there are some rumors going around about us."

"What's that?"

He places a light kiss on her cheek. "The first rumor is that we are in a teenage relationship."

She slides his belt from its loops. "Disgraceful. What else?"

"The second rumor is that we are disgustingly in love."

She laughs as she conjures an afghan and lays it on the table. "Couldn't be farther from the truth. Anything else?"

"The third rumor is that we are fucking rampantly in the library and moreover, that I beg you for it like a little bitch."

She casts a quick Contraceptive Charm on them both.

"Since that first part is mere seconds away from being true, let's hear your petition."

He glares at the afghan. "This looks like something Weasley would be sick in. What about fresh laundry?"

"Beggars can't be choosers, you prat."

His eyes are playful, but within the grey pools she senses nerves.

"Are you okay with this?" she says, tilting his face to hers. "We can stop anytime. Just let me know how you're feeling."

He looks back steadily. "I'm nervous about doing something I've been shamelessly wanking off to for so long. But...I'm excited. And you?"

"I'm excited too. Let the sloshing commence."

As she lowers him gently to the table, he whispers against her mouth, "Professor Granger, I'm ready to beg."

"Let's hear it."

He takes a deep breath. "I'veneverbeeninsidesomeonesoIneedyoutohelpmeoutandfast."

And she does.


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